ラジオ英会話 Lesson 080 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 080 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 076 発言タイプ:依頼② 依頼を表すそのほかの表現


Cynthia: Oh, sorry, Bill. I didn’t know you were in here.

Bill: Hi, Cynthia. Actually, I wanted to ask you something.

Cynthia: Sure, anything.

Bill: I know you’re busy, but would it be possible for you to listen to my new songs tomorrow?

Cynthia: Um, let me check my schedule. Yes, I’m free from 3 to 5.

Bill: That should be enough time.

Cynthia: Great. Should I come back here?

Bill: Yes. I think I’ve written some hits.

Cynthia: I’m looking forward to hearing them!


Lesson 077 発言タイプ:依頼③ 依頼を成功に導く流れ1-事前の感謝


Carolyn: Irrasshaimase-ahhhhh!

Zaytox: I’m back!

Carolyn: Zaytox! I was wondering where you went.

Zaytox: I was in a laboratory in America. It was so boring there.

Carolyn: What happened?

Zaytox: They told me to stop meeting humans. And they didn’t serve good ramen there. So I left.

Carolyn: Oh! Do you remember a girl named Masami? She wants to meet you again.

Zaytox: Really? Could you ask her to come here? I’d be very grateful.

Carolyn: Sure, I have her phone number.


Lesson 078 発言タイプ:依頼④ 依頼を成功に導く流れ2-報酬の提示


Helen: Gary, my new bookshelf came. I ordered it online.

Gary: Great. So, now you can put all your books on it.

Helen: Yeah, I’m so excited.

Gary: But it looks like you have to put it together yourself.

Helen: I’m really bad at this. Would you set it up for me, please? I’ll owe you one.

Gary: No problem. I have the tools to do it. How about a coffee smoothie at Big West Coffee?

Helen: You got it!


Lesson 079 発言タイプ:依頼⑤ 現状説明から依頼へ


Roza: So, David. How do you like working with Onishi-sensei?

David: He’s easy to work with. And he’s so funny.

Roza: Yes, I think he tries to be. Oh, David, I have a big favor to ask you.

David: Sure. What’s up?

Roza: Onishi-sensei asked me to write some English test questions this week, but I’m really busy. Would you mind doing them?

David: No, not at all. I like creating tests.

Roza: I’ll buy you a Big West Pizza as a thank you?

David: Great! I love their anchovy and olive pizza.

Roza: Really?

David: Yeah!


Say It In English!







project proposal  事業計画書
instead of ~  ~の代わりに
hold a meeting  会合を開く
I’d appreciate it.  そうしてくれたら、ありがたいのですが
I appreciate it.  ありがとうございます
the reason  唯一の理由
Is there any chance ~?  ~してもらえる可能性はありますか?
have feelings for ~  ~に特別な感情を持っている

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

