ラジオ英会話 Lesson 115 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 115 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 111 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす⑤ 好ましくない習慣を改めさせる


Jeannie: So, Frankie, how did you like the onsen in Japan?

Frankie: The water was too hot.

Jeannie: It felt fine to me.

Frankie: Androids should not take baths. We were in danger of rusting.

Jeannie: Why must you be so negative all the time?

Frankie: I am not negative. I am just stating a fact.

Jeannie: Give it a rest, will you, Frankie? We’re trying to become more human.

Frankie: Oh, I see. In that case, it was relaxing.

Jeannie: Really?

Frankie: Yes, I am being positive.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What does the woman want Franky to do?

A: Stop taking bath.

B: Stop being negative.

C: Get more rest.

正解は B: Stop being negative.


Lesson 112 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす⑥ 期待外れを指摘する


Akira: Commander, are you reading me? This is Akira on Mars Base.

Megan: Akira, we are reading you loud and clear.

Akira: Commander, I’m ready to leave Mars now.

Megan: Just a minute. There has been a change in plans.

Akira: What? You promised a spaceship would come to Mars this month, didn’t you?

Megan: Yes, it is coming soon. But first we’ll have to fly you to the Moon.

Akira: Fly me to the Moon? I didn’t expect my commander to do this to me.

Megan: In other words, you’re upset.

Akira: Uh, I’m confused.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What did the commander tell Akira to do?

A: Read more books.

B: Change his job.

C: Go to the moon.

正解は C: Go to the moon.


Lesson 113 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす⑦ あるべき姿からの逸脱

不動産営業のバーバラが、 ディーパクのインド料理店で夕食をとっていますが、食が進まないようです。

Deepak: Are you finished with your meal, Barbara?

Barbara: Yes, I’m done.

Deepak: You didn’t eat much of your curry and naan. That’s not like you at all. You usually finish everything.

Barbara: Can I take it home?

Deepak: Sure. But may I ask, is something the matter?

Barbara: Oh, I got too angry at someone recently.

Deepak: I’ve never seen you angry at anyone. What happened?

Barbara: This strange guy was picking flowers from one of my properties.

Deepak: Well, I’d get angry too!

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What does Barbara usually do?

A: She eats all the foods she orders.

B: She orders curry and rice.

C: She gets angry at a server.

正解は A: She eats all the foods she orders.


Lesson 114 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす⑧ 身から出たさび


Scientist: So, you were the last person to see Zaytox?

Guard: Yes. I was on duty here in the laboratory.

Scientist: Can you tell me what happened exactly?

Guard: Yes. Zaytox said he was hungry for ramen. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any ramen.

Scientist: And then what happened?

Guard: I went to a convenience store. When I came back, he was gone.

Scientist: You should have seen that coming.

Guard: I locked the door.

Scientist: He’s an alien. Locked doors won’t stop him.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A: The last person to see Zaytox was a woman.

B: The man left his post.

C: Zaytox went to a convenience store.

正解は B: The man left his post.


Say It In English!



What’s that look for?
Actually, Susie told me she saw you looking at a ring with a girl in a jewelry shop.
私のことをずっと愛してくれると約束したのに、うそをついたのね。 何か言い分はある
You promised you would love me forever, but you lied to me. What do you have to say for yourself?


Oh! This is so funny.
ねぇ、マナーに気をつけて。 どうしていつも食事中にテーブルの上に電話を出してなくちゃならないの?
Hey, watch your manners. Why must you always have your phone out on the table while eating?
Stop using it, and let me know how your day went.


jewelry shop  宝石店
while eating  食事をしている間

challenge man:
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