ラジオ英会話 Lesson 195 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 195 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 191 発言タイプ:感情⑨ 満足


Caspar: Hi, Alexis, do you need some help with that?

Alexis: Sure. I’m trying to position my phone camera correctly.

Caspar: Yeah, it’s hard. Are you satisfied with this angle?

Alexis: Yes, that’s perfect. Thanks.

Caspar: What’s this for?

Alexis: I’m starting an internet video channel. I want to share my advice on fashion.

Caspar: Oh, I didn’t know you wanted to do that.

Alexis: Yeah, it’s been a long-time dream of mine.

Caspar: Good luck. Your channel might become more popular than mine.

Alexis: We’ll see.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What did the man do for Alexis?

A: He positioned her smart pone.

B: He directed her internet video channel.

C: He gave her a piece of advice on fashion.

正解は A: He positioned her smart pone.


Lesson 192 発言タイプ:感情⑩ 気分の落ち込み


Doris: Bill! Do you remember me?

Bill: Doris! Of course. I could never forget you. You directed our band’s documentary.

Doris: Yes, we had a lot of fun, didn’t we? How have you been, Bill?

Bill: All right. There have been some changes recently.

Doris: Such as?

Bill: Well, for one thing, Cynthia quit as our band’s manager.

Doris: Oh, what a bummer! I know you liked her.

Bill: Yeah, I’m a bit down about that. It’ll be hard to replace her.

Doris: You’ll find someone.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Who is Doris?

A: A documentary film director.

B: An old fan of Bill’s band.

C: Cynthia’s manager.

正解は A: A documentary film director.


Lesson 193 発言タイプ:感情⑪ 失望・がっかり


Helen: Hi, Gary. How was your winter vacation?

Gary: Oh, hi, Helen. It was great. I saw some friends and did a little shopping.

Helen: Yeah, that’s a nice shirt you’re wearing.

Gary: Thanks. How about you? Did you finish reading War and Peace?

Helen: I did, finally, but it was a letdown.

Gary: I thought you loved Tolstoy.

Helen: It’s a great novel. But it wasn’t what I’d hoped it would be.

Gary: Well, at least you can say you read it. Most people can’t say that.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What did Helen do during her winter vacation?

A: She bought a shirt.

B: She read a book.

C: She visited Tolstoy’s home town.

正解は B: She read a book.


Lesson 194 発言タイプ:感情⑫ 同情


Jonas: Yayoi! Welcome back from Hawaii! I see you got some sun.

Yayoi: Yes, I went scuba diving this time, too.

Jonas: Was it a successful trip?

Yayoi: For the most part, it was. But I lost something in the ocean.

Jonas: In the ocean?

Yayoi: Yeah…I dropped my phone in the water, and I couldn’t get it back.

Jonas: Oh, I’ve been in that boat.

Yayoi: You went diving in Hawaii too?

Jonas: No, I mean I’ve been in that situation.

Yayoi: Oh, I see.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A: The man went scuba diving with Yayoi.

B: Yayoi lost her phone in Hawaii.

C: The two people are on a boat now.

正解は B: Yayoi lost her phone in Hawaii.


Say It In English!



どうしてそんなに落ち込んでいるの? もしそれがサトミのことなら、彼女については忘れたほうがいいわ。 彼女はもう誰かほかの人を見つけたから。
What are you so mopey about? If it’s about Satomi, you should forget about her. She’s already found somebody else.
仕事のあと、飲みに行かない? 理想の彼女が見つかるかもしれないわ、 あなたのすぐ目の前で。
Why don’t we go drinking after work? You may find your dream girl right in front of you.


My poor medaka has passed…
ああ、それはお気の毒に。 きついよね? 私にはそれがどういったことなのかわかります。 でも生きているものはすべて死ぬのです。
Oh, that’s too bad. It’s hard, isn’t it? I know what that’s like. But all living things must die.
一緒にペットショップに行きましょう。 新しいメダカを何匹か買ってあげます。
Let’s go to a pet shop together. I’ll buy you some new ones.


dream girl  理想の女性
What are you so mopey about?  何についてそんなに落ち込んでいるの?
Why don’t we ~?  (私たちで)~しませんか?
living things  生き物

challenge man:
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