基礎英語3 Lesson 169 There’s someone in Tokyo I want to give the soup to

Lesson 169 There’s someone in Tokyo I want to give the soup to


There’s someone in Tokyo I want to give the soup to

Naoki: I hope it’s not too cold with the window open.

Yoko: Not at all! The wind feels great. By the way, what’s this cooler for?

Sho: It’s for Grandpa’s special soup. I made some. I also brought spoons and bowls, so all I need to do is to heat it up. There’s someone in Tokyo I want to give the soup to.

Yoko: Mari will appreciate it.

Sho: And someone else.

Yoko: Did you say something? I couldn’t hear you because of the wind.

Sho: Nothing.

Yoko: I have never thought about bringing special soup over. I’m looking forward to having it with everyone!



Yoko, I hope it’s not too cold with the window open.
全然! 風が入ってきて気持ちがいいよ。 ところで、このクーラーボックスは何のためだい?
Not at all! The wind feels great. By the way, what’s this cooler for?
It’s for Grandpa’s special soup. I made some. I also brought spoons and bowls, so all I need to do is to heat it up. There’s someone in Tokyo I want to give the soup to.
Mari will appreciate it.
And someone else.
何か言ったかい? 風の音で聞こえなかったよ。
Did you say something? I couldn’t hear you because of the wind.
特製スープを持って行こうなんて全然思ってもみなかったよ。 みんなと一緒に味わうのが楽しみだね!
I have never thought about bringing special soup over. I’m looking forward to having it with everyone!

Words & Phrases

with the window open 窓が開いた状態で
What is A for? Aは何のためのものですか?(用途や目的を問う疑問文)
cooler 保冷ボックス(バッグ)
heat … up ~を温める
appreciate … ~に感謝する
Nothing. (相手からの問いかけに対して)何でもない。
bring … over  (遠くからわざわざ)~を持ってくる


Let’s Check

Why did Sho make his grandfather’s special soup?
There’s someone in Tokyo He wants to give the soup to.

Today’s CAN-DO

I have never thought about bringing special soup over.
I have never thought …(わたしは~なんて思ってもみなかった)は、予想外のできごとに出会ったときに便利な言い回しです。thought のあとには about …(~について)のような前置詞句だけでなく、that 節をおいてまとまった内容を伝えることもできます。
I have never imagined …(~なんて想像もしていなかった)や I have never expected …(~なんて予想もしていなかった)などもよく使われます。一緒に覚えておくと便利です。
thought のあとには about …(~について)のような前置詞句だけでなく、that 節を置いてまとまった内容を伝えることもできます。

CAN-DO 活用例文

I have never thought about meeting you here.
I have never imagined they would lose the game.

Get It Right

I have never thought such a big problem would happen.

challenge man: