ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週のREVIEW

Lesson 186 関係代名詞 who who のガッチリとした接続


Rosalie: Did you see that movie about the first man on the moon?

Glen: Oh, the one about Neil Armstrong? No, I haven’t seen it yet.

Rosalie: It’s hard to believe people landed on the moon before I was born.

Glen: Ha ha! You’re young, but I remember that day well.

Rosalie: I guess you need very special training to become an astronaut.

Glen: Yes, it must be really tough.

Rosalie: Actually, I know a girl who wants to become an astronaut, like Chiaki Mukai.

Glen: Ah, she was the first Japanese woman to go into space, wasn’t she?

Rosalie: That’s right

Pick-Up Phrases

I know a girl who wants to become an astronaut.


Lesson 187 関係代名詞 whose 所有格を結ぶ


Leah: Miles, what happened to our fence?

Miles: The man who lives next door drove his car into it.

Leah: So he’s going to pay for it, right?

Miles: No, he says he didn’t do it, but I saw him do it. He’s clearly lying. I think we need a lawyer.

Leah: I have a friend whose father is a good lawyer.

Miles: Do you think he can help us out?

Leah: I can talk to my friend and ask for her father’s help.

Miles: That would be great. We’ve never been in a situation like this before.

Leah: I’m sure everything will be fine.


Pick-Up Phrases

I have a friend whose father is a good lawyer.

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Lesson 188 関係代名詞 who whom 目的語位置の空所に使おう


Sosuke: So how do you like Miyajima Island?

Mila: Its beautiful. I’d never seen a shrine gate in the sea before coming here.

Sosuke: It’s really rare, even in Japan.

Mila: Oh, you se the guy over there.? That’s the man who I met on the bullet train to Hiroshima.

Sosuke: What a coincidence! Did you talk with him?

Mila: Yes, I did. He was in the seat behind me, and I asked him if I could put my seatback.

Sosuke: That was very polite of you.

Mila: Then he gave me a sweet snack! It was delicious.


Pick-Up Phrases

That’s the man who I met on the bullet train to Hiroshima.

Lesson 189 空所を使いこなそう


Mr. Jones: Congratulations, Mrs. Ikeda. Your daughter made an excellent speech, and she deserved to win the contest.

Mrs. Ikeda: We’re all absolutely delighted, and Akane is over the moon. Thank you so much for all your help.

Mr. Jones: Actually, one of our American exchange students worked with Akane quite a lot. You see the girl with blonde hair over there? That’s the girl who helped Akane.

Mrs. Ikeda: I see. Well, thank you again, anyway. I’ll go and thank the exchange student personality.

Mr. Jones: Good idea. And you can be very proud of your daughter. She’s a brilliant student.


Pick-Up Phrases

That’s the girl who helped Akane.






car dealership : 自動車ディーラー(販売代理店)
president :
great offer :  素晴らしい価格


Fortunately, I have a friend whose father is the president of a car dealership.
Fortunately は「幸運にも」。friend whose と a friend をその所有する人やモノによって説明していきます。
You may get a great offer.
offer は「申し出」。a special offer(特別価格)など「値引き」も含意します。
I’ll get in touch with him as soon as I can.
get in touch with… は「~に連絡する」。as soon as I can は「できるだけ早く」。会話に必須の表現。


It’s your lucky day, because I know a guy whose father of a car dealership.
because …と理由を述べていますがその後の展開はSIMPLE ANSWER と同じ。
I’m prety sure he’ll give you a sizable discount.
prety は「かなり」。くだけた強調語。sizable は「かなり大きな」。give you a sizable discount と授与形が使われています。文全体は am sure の内容を he’ll 以下の節が説明するリポート文。
I’ll give him a call and get back to you, OK?
will は「~するよ」。意思の will。give him a call が授与型。get back to …は「~に「~に改めて連絡をとる・折り返し連絡する」の意味でよく使われます。

challenge man: