ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 186 思考:婉曲表現


Roxy: I’m tired of eating omochi every day, Dad.

Dad: Well, today you’re in luck. I’ve made your favorite dish.

Roxy: Seafood paella?

Dad: Yes, can’t you smell it?

Roxy: Yay! You make the best paella, Dad.

Dad: Thanks, Roxy. This is my first paella of the year. OK, let’s eat.

Roxy: Hmm. It needs something. I think you should add a bit more salt and some lemon.

Dad: Yes, that’s much better.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: How was the paella?

A: It needed more salt.

B: It tasted like omochi.

C: It didn’t smell good.

正解は A: It needed more salt.


Lesson 187 信念:驚きを表す表現


Cleopatra: I can read your mind.

Reginald: Really? What’s my name, and what do I do for a living?

Cleopatra: Your name is Reginald Taylor, and you’re an English teacher.

Reginald: I can’t believe it. How did you know that?

Cleopatra: I could tell from your glasses that you are a teacher.

Reginald: Just because I wear glasses?

Cleopatra: Yes, and your accent tells me you are from England.

Reginald: That’s too easy. Anything else?

Cleopatra: Also, you dropped your business card!

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Which of the following is not true about the man?

A: He teaches English.

B: He wears glasses.

C: He speaks with an American accent.

正解は C: He speaks with an American accent.

Lesson 188 理解:誤解を正す


Lisa: Welcome back to the show. We’re here with legendary film director, Mike Dee.

Mike: Thanks for having me on the program.

Lisa: Mike, what do you consider to be your best movie?

Mike: Probably “Jazz Boys.” I think many people have misunderstood the movie, though. It’s not meant to be a comedy.

Lisa: It touches on several social issues.

Mike: Yes, I wanted to encourage people to think more deeply about the world around them.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What does Mike Dee do?

A: He is a movie director.

B: He is a film critic.

C: He is a comedian.

正解は A: He is a movie director.


Lesson 189 応答①:誘いに気軽に応じる


Alana: Hiroki, the conference ends at five. It’s a Friday night. How about going out afterwards?

Hiroki: That’s a great idea, Alana. Where?

Alana: There’s a new pizza restaurant near the station. I heard it’s good.

Hiroki: Oh, I haven’t had pizza in ages!

Alana: I want to do some shopping before dinner, though.

Hiroki: Sure. Suits me fine. I can hang out somewhere.

Alana: Sounds good. So, let’s meet at the station at six, OK?

Hiroki: OK.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What will they do after the conference?

A: They will hang out together near the station.

B: They will go to a new pizza restaurant.

C: They will both go shopping.

正解は B: They will go to a new pizza restaurant.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~




I’m really looking forward to the cycling trip.


I hate to say this, but I really think you should put it off.
Did you see the weather forecast on News Seven? An enormous typhoon is approaching.

②あなたはガールフレンドと一緒に飲み会に出かけました。つきあい始めたことは内緒にしていたのですが、その場にいた友人に「いつからつきあい始めたの?」と聞かれます。驚いたあなたは「ええっ、信じられない! なぜ私たちがカップルだと気がついたのですか? えっと、いろいろあったんですよ。聞きたいですか?」と答えます。

So, when did you start dating?


ええっ、信じられない! なぜ私たちがカップルだと気がついたのですか?
Oh, I can’t believe it! How did you know that we’re an item?
Well, it’s a long story. Do you want to hear it?


put ~ off  ~を延期する
weather forecast  天気予報
enormous  巨大な
item  ラブラブカップル
How did you know ~?  どうして~がわかったのですか?
it’s a long story  いろいろありました。話すと長くなります

challenge man:
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