ラジオ英会話 Lesson 205 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 205 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 201 批判①:言いつけを守らないことへの批判


Todd: Hello, Yuki? I need some help.

Yuki: Todd, what happened? Where are you?

Todd: Well, I’m in a snow field. I drove off the road because of the slippery ice.

Yuki: I told you not to drive without snow tires. Now you know why!

Todd: I know, but I didn’t have time to change my tires.

Yuki: But you didn’t save any time in the long run, did you?

Todd: That’s true. Anyway, can you please come and rescue me?


Lesson 202 批判②:やっていることに対する批判


Roxy: I’m hungry. Oh, we have leftover paella. It always tastes better the next day.

Dad: Just pop it into the microwave, Roxy, and it’ll be nice and hot.

Roxy: OK. Dad! Look at the sparks in the oven!

Dad: What are you doing, Roxy? You know you can’t put metal things in a microwave.

Roxy: Sorry. I didn’t think the pan was metal.

Dad: Here, put the food in this bowl and cover it with wrap.

Roxy: Thanks, Dad.


Lesson 203 批判③:場違いな行動への批判


Mom: Yosuke, look. Your Uncle Taro has brought you a late New Year’s money gift.

Yosuke: Huh? Only 1,000 yen?

Mom: Yosuke! Don’t be so rude. Apologize to him right now.

Yosuke: I’m sorry, Uncle Taro. Thank you for the present.

Mom: That’s better. There is an old saying: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Yosuke: What does that mean, Mom?

Mom: It means, when someone gives you a present, don’t complain about it or be ungrateful.

Yosuke: OK. I got it.


Lesson 204 批判④:気になる習慣に対する批判


Masami: Oh, you won, Tom! I see why you’re the best player in this club.

Tom: It was a good game. Thank you for coming back to the shogi club, Masami.

Masami: Well, I wanted to keep playing shogi. Can I ask you a strange question, Tom?

Tom: Sure.

Masami: Why do you never say you love me anymore? You used to!

Tom: I had a long talk with Sota. He said the shogi club was not a place for dating.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~


①夜明け前、あなたが目覚めると玄関で物音が。息子がカブトムシを捕まえに、付近の森にこっそり出かけようとしているようです。多くの人が迷う危険な森 – 近づかないように注意してください。
例えば「何をやっているの? 森に行くのではないでしょうね? そこに行ってはダメと言ったでしょう。簡単に道に迷うし、二度と戻ってこなかった人もいるのですよ。」など。

Mom! G… Good morning.



例えば「君はいつでも誰かと言い争いをしているよね。それはどうして? もしこんな状態が続いたら、友達が全く一人もいなくなっちょうよ。」など。

I don’t like Cathy. We’re not friends anymore.




get lost  迷う、迷子になる
argue  口論する
go on  続く、続ける
end up  最後には~ということになる

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

