ラジオ英会話 Lesson 050 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 050 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 046 目的語の拡張②:動詞-ing 形


Alana: Oh, Hiroki, can I talk to you in private?

Hiroki: Just a minute. My mouth is full of toothpaste. OK, what’s up, Alana?

Alana: I have a request. Can you stop brushing your teeth over the kitchen sink?

Hiroki: Does it bother you?

Alana: Yes, it does. And other colleagues have been complaining about it too. People use this sink to wash their coffee mugs.

Hiroki: Where can I brush my teeth then?

Alana: How about using the men’s restroom?

Hiroki: OK. Sorry.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Why are some colleagues complaining about Hiroki?

A: Because he speaks with his mouth full.

B: Because he brushes his teeth in the kitchen.

C: Because he never washes his coffee mug.

正解は B: Because he brushes his teeth in the kitchen.


Lesson 047 目的語説明型の拡張①:知覚構文


Nami: Yoshi, what’s behind your back?

Yoshi: What? Nothing.

Nami: I saw you trying to hide something. Show me.

Yoshi: I’m not hiding anything.

Nami: Aha! I knew it! A macadamia nut chocolate chip cookie! So that explains it.

Yoshi: What?

Nami: You’ve been gaining weight even though I’ve been cooking healthy meals for you.

Yoshi: Come on, it’s just a little snack.

Nami: Do you know how many calories are in this?

Yoshi: It says only 500.

Nami: Only!?

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What is Yoshi doing?

A: He is holding a cookie behind his back.

B: He is trying to lose weight.

C: He is calculating the calories in the cookies.

正解は A: He is holding a cookie behind his back.


Lesson 048 目的語説明型の拡張②:使役構文 make


Alana: All you’re having for lunch is a salad?

Yoshi: Yes, I’m on a diet. I have to lose at least ten kilos.

Alana: You’ll get hungry later, though. I know you. Besides, you also need to exercise.

Yoshi: I know. My wife made me join a gym. I hate going there, though.

Alana: Why?

Yoshi: The trainer is very strict.

Alana: Are you afraid of him?

Yoshi: Her. No.

Alana: Then what’s made you cry?

Yoshi: I bit into a hot chili.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Why did the man join a gym?

A: Because he likes going there.

B: Because his wife forced him to.

C: Because wants to get a personal trainer.

正解は B: Because his wife forced him to.


Lesson 049 目的語説明型の拡張③:使役構文 have


Alana: Where did Yoshi go?

Hiroki: He went to the convenience store.

Alana: It’s after lunchtime! He’s not supposed to be taking long breaks all the time.

Hiroki: Why do you need him?

Alana: I got a call from a customer about one of our products. Only Yoshi can answer the question.

Hiroki: I’ll have him call the customer back, OK?

Alana: Great. Here’s the phone number. She sounded kind of angry.

Hiroki: I’ll make sure Yoshi calls her immediately.

Alana: Thank you.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A: Yoshi is eating his lunch.

B: Yoshi will call the customer when he gets a chance.

C: Yoshi is the only person who can help the customer.

正解は C: Yoshi is the only person who can help the customer.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



(tapping his pen)


ペンをコツコツするの、やめてくれませんか? 集中できません。
Can you stop tapping your pen? I can’t concentrate.
I need to hand in this report to the boss first thing tomorrow morning.


Hello, this is room 2204. I’ve broken a wine bottle, and the floor is a mess.


心配はいりません。 清掃員にすぐ対処させますので。
Please do not worry. I’ll have our cleaning staff take care of it right away.
I hope you didn’t hurt yourself.


first thing tomorrow morning  明日の朝イチで
concentrate  集中する
hand in  提出する
cleaning staff  清掃員
take care of ~  ~に対処する
right away  すぐに
hurt  傷つける

challenge man:
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