ラジオ英会話 Lesson 155 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 155 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 151 進行形②:注意すべき進行形


Cynthia: You guys played brilliantly tonight! The audience was cheering wildly!

Bill: Thanks, Cynthia. It’s good to be rockin’ in Japan again. The fans are awesome.

Cynthia: You said there was a problem during the concert, though.

Bill: Yes, it was during our quiet love song, “Moonlight Guitar.”

Cynthia: What happened?

Bill: Well, there was an older man near the stage. He was sneezing non-stop.

Cynthia: The man next to the woman with bright pink hair?

Bill: Yeah. A lot of fans looked annoyed.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What was the problem that happened during the concert?

A: Some wild fans climbed onto the stage.

B: A woman with pink hair started annoying other fans.

C: An older man sneezed a lot during a quiet song.

正解は C: An older man sneezed a lot during a quiet song.


Lesson 152 進行形③:進行形は外から眺める


Tom: Masami, I made a big mistake!

Masami: You said, “How many boyfriends do you need?” I’ve never been so insulted. It’s over between us, Tom.

Tom: Masami, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.

Masami: No, I think you did.

Tom: Look, I’m apologizing. It came out the wrong way.

Masami: I don’t think so. Your true feelings came out.

Tom: Masami, please don’t misunderstand me. Sometimes I’m not so good with words.

Masami: Good-bye, Tom. Don’t call me anymore. I won’t answer.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Why is Tom apologizing to Masami?

A: Because he insulted her boyfriend.

B: Because he said something wrong to her.

C: Because he hid his true feelings from her.

正解は B: Because he said something wrong to her.


Lesson 153 進行形④:進行形は躍動的な行為


Haruka: Hiroki, can I ask you something about last Sunday?

Hiroki: Last Sunday? Sure, go ahead.

Haruka: What were you doing around three p.m.?

Hiroki: Three? Uh. I was having a meeting at that time. Now I remember. An online business meeting.

Haruka: On a Sunday afternoon? You didn’t tell me anything about that.

Hiroki: My boss made a sudden announcement. I didn’t have time to text you.

Haruka: Oh, I was wondering why you hadn’t contacted me.

Hiroki: I’m so busy, Haruka.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Why did Haruka ask Hiroki about last Sunday?

A: Because they were supposed to meet.

B: Because he didn’t respond to her texts.

C: Because he didn’t contact her.

正解は C: Because he didn’t contact her.


Lesson 154 現在完了形①:間近に起こった出来事(完了用法)


Dr. Stein: Jeannie, the rain is getting heavier.

Jeannie: It’s OK, Dr. Frank N. Stein. We have umbrellas.

Dr. Stein: I know, but let’s wait inside this gazebo.

Jeannie: Gazebo? Is that what this structure is called? That’s a funny word.

Dr. Stein: Yes, it comes from the word “gaze,” which means “to look out.”

Jeannie: Oh, it’s very pretty. I like looking out from here.

Dr. Stein: Look. It’s stopped raining.

Jeannie: But I want to enjoy the view a little longer.

Dr. Stein: Sure, Jeannie.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What does Jeannie want to do at the end of this conversation?

A: Stay in the gazebo to admire the view.

B: Continue her work for Dr. Frank N. Stein.

C: Wait in the gazebo until the rain stops.

正解は A: Stay in the gazebo to admire the view.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



How was the trip to Kyoto with your fiancé?
Mmm… Good, but I couldn’t sleep at all because he was snoring loudly all night.
I think I’ll need to get earplugs!


You didn’t take my call last night.
ごめん。 君が電話をくれたことは知っていたけど、その時間はとても重要な顧客と夕食をとっていたんだよ。 もちろん商談はまとまったさ。
Sorry. I knew you called, but I was having dinner with a very important client at that time. I closed the deal, of course.
How about we go out for a nice dinner after I get back home?


snore  いびきをかく
earplugs  耳栓
not … at all  まったく~ない
close a deal  契約をまとめる(成立させる)

challenge man:
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