ラジオ英会話 Lesson 095 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 095 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 091 on のイメージ⑤


Doug: Shiho, you’re just gazing at the clouds. What’s on your mind?

Shiho: Oh, I was just thinking about our trip to Egypt. It was a life-changing experience.

Doug: Really? I didn’t know you were so interested in archaeology.

Shiho: Yes, I’ve wanted to visit Egypt ever since I read Professor Peacock’s book.

Doug: Which one?

Shiho: The one called Echoes from Beyond Time.

Doug: Oh, that’s the one about the Sphinx.

Shiho: Right. But now we need to concentrate on our future.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What does Shiho need to do?

A: She needs to visit Egypt again.

B: She needs to study archaeology.

C: She needs to think about the future.

正解は C: She needs to think about the future.


Lesson 092 in のイメージ①


Frankie: Jeannie, what do you think of Dr. Frank N. Stein?

Jeannie: He’s nice, but he can be strict sometimes.

Frankie: Strict? Can you give an example?

Jeannie: Well, once, I got in trouble for dumping garbage on the ground.

Frankie: Yeah, I did the same thing. But he designed us, so maybe that habit is in him.

Jeannie: Right! You’re so smart, Frankie.

Frankie: Can I tell you something, Jeannie?

Jeannie: Please, go ahead.

Frankie: I think I’m in love with you.

Jeannie: Really?

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Why did Frankie and Jeannie get into trouble in the past?

A: They dumped garbage on the ground.

B: They designed an android.

C: They fell in love with each other.

正解は A: They dumped garbage on the ground.


Lesson 093 in のイメージ②


Grandpa: Could you pass the butter, darling?

Grandma: Sure.

Grandpa: Thank you. You know, I’ve gotten used to seeing Roxy in that chair. I miss her.

Grandma: She’ll be back in three weeks.

Grandpa: Right. I wonder if she’s having a good time in Japan.

Grandma: I’m sure she’s catching up with her mom and dad.

Grandpa: You’ll have to make that seafood paella again. Roxy loves that.

Grandma: Yes, but I put in too much salt last time. I’ll be more careful.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What is Roxy doing?

A: She is sitting in a chair.

B: She is spending time with her parents.

C: She is making seafood paella.

正解は B: She is spending time with her parents.


Lesson 094 in のイメージ③


Peacock: … and that concludes my lecture for today. So, everyone, please remember to hand in your assignments next Tuesday.

Jessica: Professor Peacock, you haven’t been available outside of class recently.

Peacock: Oh, hi, Jessica. Yes, I’ve been quite busy.

Jessica: Really? I wonder why. Would you mind if I dropped in later during your office hours today?

Peacock: Sorry, Jessica. I’ve canceled my office hours today.

Jessica: This doesn’t have anything to do with … what was her name again? Oh … Aki!

Peacock: No, it doesn’t.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What does Jessica want to know?

A: The details about the assignment.

B: Why the professor has been so busy.

C: When the professor’s office hours are.

正解は B: Why the professor has been so busy.


Say It In English!



Hi. Good morning.
ねえ、赤いポロシャツを着ているあの人を見て。 彼は授業中ずっと私の方を見ているの。
Hey, can you see that guy in the red polo shirt? He keeps looking at me during class.
He must be in love with me. What do you think?


やあ、あと20分で会議が始まるよ。 今どこにいるの?
Hey, we’re starting the meeting in 20 minutes. Where are you now?
Sorry, but I’ll be late due to a train delay.
タクシーを使うことにしますよ。 私のプレゼンテーションには間に合うと思います。
I’ll take a taxi. I think I can make it in time for my presentation.


during  ~の間に
train delay  電車の遅延
due to  ~のため、~によって
make it in time for ~  ~に間に合う

challenge man:
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