ラジオ英会話 Lesson 095 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 095 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 091 on のイメージ⑤


Doug: Shiho, you’re just gazing at the clouds. What’s on your mind?

Shiho: Oh, I was just thinking about our trip to Egypt. It was a life-changing experience.

Doug: Really? I didn’t know you were so interested in archaeology.

Shiho: Yes, I’ve wanted to visit Egypt ever since I read Professor Peacock’s book.

Doug: Which one?

Shiho: The one called Echoes from Beyond Time.

Doug: Oh, that’s the one about the Sphinx.

Shiho: Right. But now we need to concentrate on our future.


Lesson 092 in のイメージ①


Frankie: Jeannie, what do you think of Dr. Frank N. Stein?

Jeannie: He’s nice, but he can be strict sometimes.

Frankie: Strict? Can you give an example?

Jeannie: Well, once, I got in trouble for dumping garbage on the ground.

Frankie: Yeah, I did the same thing. But he designed us, so maybe that habit is in him.

Jeannie: Right! You’re so smart, Frankie.

Frankie: Can I tell you something, Jeannie?

Jeannie: Please, go ahead.

Frankie: I think I’m in love with you.

Jeannie: Really?


Lesson 093 in のイメージ②


Grandpa: Could you pass the butter, darling?

Grandma: Sure.

Grandpa: Thank you. You know, I’ve gotten used to seeing Roxy in that chair. I miss her.

Grandma: She’ll be back in three weeks.

Grandpa: Right. I wonder if she’s having a good time in Japan.

Grandma: I’m sure she’s catching up with her mom and dad.

Grandpa: You’ll have to make that seafood paella again. Roxy loves that.

Grandma: Yes, but I put in too much salt last time. I’ll be more careful.


Lesson 094 in のイメージ③


Peacock: … and that concludes my lecture for today. So, everyone, please remember to hand in your assignments next Tuesday.

Jessica: Professor Peacock, you haven’t been available outside of class recently.

Peacock: Oh, hi, Jessica. Yes, I’ve been quite busy.

Jessica: Really? I wonder why. Would you mind if I dropped in later during your office hours today?

Peacock: Sorry, Jessica. I’ve canceled my office hours today.

Jessica: This doesn’t have anything to do with … what was her name again? Oh … Aki!

Peacock: No, it doesn’t.


Say It In English!







during  ~の間に
train delay  電車の遅延
due to  ~のため、~によって
make it in time for ~  ~に間に合う

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