ラジオ英会話 Lesson 150 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 150 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 146 close の感触


Jeannie: Frankie, aren’t the autumn colors of these trees wonderful?

Frankie: Wonderful? My visual sensors show them as maple leaves. Let’s take a close look at them.

Jeannie: Sure, why not?

Frankie: The patterns on the leaves are complex.

Jeannie: Frankie, can’t you just enjoy the colors?

Frankie: Enjoy? I do not understand.

Jeannie: Here, come close to me. Hold my hand and look at them with me. That’s how you enjoy them.

Frankie: Illogical.

Jeannie: Look at that couple over there. They seem very close, and they’re enjoying them.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Which of the following is true?

A: Frankie’s visual sensors don’t work.

B: Frankie thinks the maple leaves are wonderful.

C: Frankie doesn’t know how to enjoy the colors of the leaves.

正解は C: Frankie doesn’t know how to enjoy the colors of the leaves.


Lesson 147 難易度を表す形容詞


Martin: Hi, Yuriko. May I join you for a cup of coffee?

Yuriko: Sure, Martin. Have a seat.

Martin: So, it’s been three months since you started working here. How’s everything going?

Yuriko: I like everybody, especially Mr. McAvoy. He’s easy to talk with.

Martin: Really? He’s very strict with me. He’s often hard to please.

Yuriko: Yes, I’ve noticed that. He raised his voice at you during the last meeting.

Martin: I guess I need to be more efficient.

Yuriko: You’re fine.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: How was Yuriko doing at her job?

A: She is getting along well with her colleagues.

B: She has a problem with Mr. McAvoy.

C: She finds Martin inefficient.

正解は A: She is getting along well with her colleagues.


Lesson 148 可能性を表す形容詞

絵画教室の講師ボブと生徒のサリー。 サリーは絵を描くのがどんどん上達しているようです。

Sally: Bob, what do you think of my new painting?

Bob: Wow! You painted this? Sally, you’ve made so much progress.

Sally: Thank you, Bob. Is there anything I can do to make it better?

Bob: Hmm. Maybe use darker colors here. That’ll make the lighthouse stand out more.

Sally: Ok. I’m going to enter this in the city art contest.

Bob: That’s great, Sally. Make sure to sign the painting, You’re likely to win a prize.

Sally: Do you really think so?

Bob: Yes, I’m almost certain you will.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What did Bob advice Sally to do?

A: To add a lighthouse.

B: To use darker colors.

C: To enter her painting in a contest.

正解は B: To use darker colors.


Lesson 149 形容詞 + to 不定詞


Akira: Commander, I’d like to inform you of a new development.

Megan: Do you mean with that green crystal egg?

Akira: Yes. It said something in English.

Megan: “Said” something? It spoke to you?

Akira: Well, a voice came out of it.

Megan: Did you make a recording of it?

Akira: Yes, actually, I did, with my phone. Here, listen: “Greetings from the people of Vega. We are the Vegans. We are eager to meet you soon.”

Megan: Is that all?

Akira: Yes. It repeated the same message three times.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Where did the voice the man heard come from?

A: From the green crystal egg.

B: From his phone.

C: From the sky.

正解は A: From the green crystal egg.


Say It In English!



Wow, that was so close. You can’t be too careful when you drive.
You must be shocked, so let me drive.


Nancy is a great girl, right?
まさか! ナンシーはうまくやっていくのが難しいんだよ。とても自己中心的でね。
No way! Nancy is hard to get along with. She’s so self-centered.
She never shares her ramen with me. I can’t stand her anymore.


careful  注意して
can’t be too ~  いくら~してもしすぎることはない
get along with ~  ~とうまくやっていく
self-centered  自己中心的な
stand  ~に耐える

challenge man:
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