ラジオ英会話 Lesson 185 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 185 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Lesson 181 all、every のイメージ

ロキシーのおばあさんは、ロキシーとおじいさんのために、 夕食を準備していたようです。

Grandpa: Roxy, Grandma has made dinner for us.

Roxy: It smells wonderful. What is it?

Grandpa: Roast beef and mashed potato. We used to eat it every Sunday.

Roxy: Grandma is such a great cook.

Grandpa: Every family has its chef. But it’s not me.

Roxy: Dad is a good cook, but he uses all the plates in the kitchen. And I mean every plate.

Grandpa: Yes, I remember that about him. He’s not good at cleaning up.

Roxy: Exactly. Mom always does the dishes.


Listening Challenge!

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Who is good at cooking in Roxy’s family?

A: Roxy’s Grandma.

B: Roxy’s Grandma and dad.

C: Roxy’s Grandma and Grandpa.

正解は B: Roxy’s Grandma and dad.


Lesson 182 no のイメージ


Jeannie: Oh, no! I broke my necklace. And I just bought it on sale.

Frankie: No problem, Jeannie. I can fix it in no time.

Jeannie: You’re perfect, Frankie! You can do anything.

Frankie: I’m not perfect. I feel lonely. I have no friends.

Jeannie: What do you mean? I’m your friend.

Frankie: You’re my girlfriend. I need other friends. I want to talk about other things.

Jeannie: Such as?

Frankie: I don’t know. Anything other than fashion accessories.

Jeannie: Sure. Be my guest.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What does Frankie need?

A: Time.

B: Friends.

C: Fashion accessories.

正解は B: Friends.


Lesson 183 other のバリエーション


Clerk: Hello, sir. May I help you?

Peacock: Hello. Actually, I’d like your advice.

Clerk: Of course.

Peacock: Which do you prefer, this orange scarf or this purple one?

Clerk: Personally, I prefer the purple one.

Peacock: So do I. But I’m not fond of this pattern. Could you show me another?

Clerk: Yes, I did see a purple scarf with a different pattern. Oh, here it is.

Peacock: Yes, that’s more like it.

Clerk: Is this a present for your wife, sir?

Peacock: It’s for a friend.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What does the man buy?

A: An orange scarf.

B: Tow scarves.

C: A purple scarf.

正解は C: A purple scarf.


Lesson 184 both、either、neither


Sally: Bob, are these your watercolors?

Bob: Yes, they are. What do you think?

Sally: I love them. I didn’t know you did watercolors.

Bob: Well, I painted them many years ago.

Sally: Why did you change to oil painting?

Bob: When I was younger, watercolors were popular. Then, oil painting became trendy.

sally: I see. These two landscapes are beautiful.

Bob: I’ll tell you what. You can have them.

sally: Both of them? No, I couldn’t.

Bob: In that case, choose either one.

Sally: Are you sure?

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A: Bob used to paint watercolors.

B: The woman prefers Bob’s oil paintings.

C: Bob sells two landscapes to the woman.

正解は A: Bob used to paint watercolors.


Say It In English! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



ちょっと話せる? 臨時収入の申告の仕方がわからないんだ。
Can we talk a bit? I have no idea how to declare my extra income.
問題ないわよ。 この仕事、すぐに片づけるから、30分後に通りの向かいにある喫茶店で会わない?
No problem. I’ll finish this job in no time, so why don’t we meet at the coffee shop across the street in 30 minutes?
I’m no expert, but I may be able to help you.


Daddy, which one suits me better?
どちらもよく似合うよ。 でも両方は買ってあげられないな。
Either suits you well, but you can’t have both.
Choose one of them.


declare  申告
income  収入
in no time  すぐに
no expert  決して専門家ではない
across the street  通りの向かいの
suit  似合う
one of them  それらのうちのひとつ

challenge man:
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