ラジオ英会話 Lesson 230 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 230 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 226 条件を表すフロー③:条件を表すさまざまなフレーズ


Jeannie: Frankie, I’m so excited about being here in Kyoto.

Frankie: Me, too, Jeannie. It’s so different from our hometown.

Jeannie: Yes. Oh, it’s getting cloudy.

Frankie: Let’s take an umbrella in case it rains.

Jeannie: Frankie, I have to tell you something.

Frankie: Please, go ahead, Jeannie.

Jeannie: I… I was worried you wouldn’t come back to me.

Frankie: There’s nothing to worry about. I will love you as long as I live.

Jeannie: Suppose we live forever… then what?

Frankie: Then I’ll love you forever.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Which of the following is true?

A: Kyoto is Frankie and Jeannie’s home town.

B: Frankie won’t come back to Jeannie.

C: Frankie and Jeannie love each other.

正解は C: Frankie and Jeannie love each other.


Lesson 227 譲歩のフロー①:if を使う


Riko: Renji, your last grade report was disappointing.

Renji: I know, Mom. I need to study harder.

Riko: That’s obvious, but you can’t do it by yourself.

Renjt: What do you mean?

Riko: I’ve decided to get a home tutor for you.

Renji: I don’t need a tutor.

Riko: Whether you need one or not, she is coming here on Sunday.

Renji: A female tutor? I prefer a male.

Riko: I don’t care if you prefer a male. Aoi is coming.

Renji: Aoi?

Riko: That’s her name.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Who is Aoi?

A: Renji’s school teacher.

B: Renji’s mom’s friend.

C: Her home tutor.

正解は C: Her home tutor.


Lesson 228 譲歩のフロー②:「変わらない」を表す表現


Doug: Shiho, I’m really enjoying living on this island.

Shiho: Me, too, Doug. Life is much slower here. Nevertheless, it’s never boring.

Doug: The sun is much stronger here.

Shiho: Right, you’ve got a nice suntan now.

Doug: I spent a lot of time outdoors at a volunteer event yesterday.

Shiho: How was it?

Doug: Well, only a few people came. All the same, it was a successful event.

Shiho: It’s wonderful that you’re contributing to the local community.

Doug: Thanks.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What did Doug do yesterday?

A: He went sunbathing.

B: He volunteered at a local event.

C: He attended a lecture on communication.

正解は B: He volunteered at a local event.


Lesson 229 譲歩のフロー③:wh 語を用いる


Sally: Bob, after I won that art prize, something happened.

Bob: What happened?

sally: I can’t create any good paintings. No matter what I do, I’m not satisfied with the result.

Bob: Sally, the problem is not with your paintings.

Sally: What’s the problem, then?

Bob: Your standards have changed. You expect more from yourself. That’s good news.

sally: So, what should I do, Bob?

Bob: I suggest taking a break from painting for a you while. Then you can start afresh.

Sally: OK.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What does Sally need to do?

A: To win another prize.

B: To do more paintings.

C: To take a break.

正解は C: To take a break.


Say It In English!



I don’t care about money. I’m going to marry her. Love is everything, right?
Well, of course you can get married even if you have no money. But what are you going to live on?
Whether you like it or not, money is important.


I’ll be back in a couple of hours.
わかったよ。 あ、それで牛乳がなくなってきたので、帰り道で買ってきて。
OK. Oh, and we’re running out of milk, so please get some on your way home.
And remember to carry some cash in case they don’t accept credit cards.


even if ~  たとえ~であろうとも
live on ~  ~に頼って(~を食べて) 生活する
run out of ~  ~がなくなる
on one’s way home  帰り道で
remember to ~  ~することを覚えている、忘れないでいる
accept  受け付ける
in case  ~するといけないから

challenge man:
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