ラジオ英会話 Lesson 230 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 230 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 226 条件を表すフロー③:条件を表すさまざまなフレーズ


Jeannie: Frankie, I’m so excited about being here in Kyoto.

Frankie: Me, too, Jeannie. It’s so different from our hometown.

Jeannie: Yes. Oh, it’s getting cloudy.

Frankie: Let’s take an umbrella in case it rains.

Jeannie: Frankie, I have to tell you something.

Frankie: Please, go ahead, Jeannie.

Jeannie: I… I was worried you wouldn’t come back to me.

Frankie: There’s nothing to worry about. I will love you as long as I live.

Jeannie: Suppose we live forever… then what?

Frankie: Then I’ll love you forever.


Lesson 227 譲歩のフロー①:if を使う


Riko: Renji, your last grade report was disappointing.

Renji: I know, Mom. I need to study harder.

Riko: That’s obvious, but you can’t do it by yourself.

Renjt: What do you mean?

Riko: I’ve decided to get a home tutor for you.

Renji: I don’t need a tutor.

Riko: Whether you need one or not, she is coming here on Sunday.

Renji: A female tutor? I prefer a male.

Riko: I don’t care if you prefer a male. Aoi is coming.

Renji: Aoi?

Riko: That’s her name.


Lesson 228 譲歩のフロー②:「変わらない」を表す表現


Doug: Shiho, I’m really enjoying living on this island.

Shiho: Me, too, Doug. Life is much slower here. Nevertheless, it’s never boring.

Doug: The sun is much stronger here.

Shiho: Right, you’ve got a nice suntan now.

Doug: I spent a lot of time outdoors at a volunteer event yesterday.

Shiho: How was it?

Doug: Well, only a few people came. All the same, it was a successful event.

Shiho: It’s wonderful that you’re contributing to the local community.

Doug: Thanks.


Lesson 229 譲歩のフロー③:wh 語を用いる


Sally: Bob, after I won that art prize, something happened.

Bob: What happened?

sally: I can’t create any good paintings. No matter what I do, I’m not satisfied with the result.

Bob: Sally, the problem is not with your paintings.

Sally: What’s the problem, then?

Bob: Your standards have changed. You expect more from yourself. That’s good news.

sally: So, what should I do, Bob?

Bob: I suggest taking a break from painting for a you while. Then you can start afresh.

Sally: OK.


Say It In English!







even if ~  たとえ~であろうとも
live on ~  ~に頼って(~を食べて) 生活する
run out of ~  ~がなくなる
on one’s way home  帰り道で
remember to ~  ~することを覚えている、忘れないでいる
accept  受け付ける
in case  ~するといけないから

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