ラジオ英会話 Lesson 028 発言タイプ:理解を深める① 相手の真意を確かめる
What do you mean?
Today’s dialog
Masami: I met an alien from another planet.
Sota: What do you mean? Where did this happen?
Masami: I walked into a vegan ramen restaurant and saw him there.
Sota: What did he look like?
Masami: Well, he had surprisingly big eyes.
Sota: Did you get a photo?
Masami: Yeah, look. This is my selfie with Zaytox.
Sota: Zaytox?
Masami: That’s his name. He’s from the planet Vega 6.
Grammar and Vocabulary
– 1 –
– 2 –
Typical Expressions
Key Sentence
Typical Expressions in Action
mean ~のつもりで言う
vegan 完全菜食主義の
selfie 自撮り写真
Would you care to ~? ~していただけますか?
come up with おもいつく
run ~ by … ~を・・・に言っておく・提案する
logic 論理・理屈
cause 原因となる
bring 運ぶ
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