ラジオ英会話 Lesson 075 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 075 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 071 発言タイプ:指示⑨ 「注意」がとる発言パターン

ヒロトがイタリア料理店で友人と食事をしていると、 給仕係が近づいてきて注意をされます。

Server: Excuse me, sir, I’m sorry to interrupt your meal.

Hiroto: No problem. Is something the matter?

Server: Several other guests have made complaints about the noise coming from this table.

Hiroto: I see. I didn’t realize we were being so loud.

Server: I really hate to ask you this, but could you possibly lower your voices?

Hiroto: We don’t mind at all. Sorry for the trouble.

Server: That would be extremely helpful, sir. Or, we’d be happy to reseat you outside as well. You can talk as much as you like there.

Hiroto: Oh, wonderful! Let’s do that.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What did the woman ask the man to do?

A: Keep his voice down.

B: Leave the restaurant.

C: Have a sheet outside.

正解は A: Keep his voice down.


Lesson 072 発言タイプ:指示⑩ 禁止する


Jonas: Good morning, Yayoi! Welcome back from San Francisco!

Yayoi: Thanks, Jonas. It’s good to be back. How’s everything here?

Jonas: Really busy. I need your help with a lot of stuff.

Yayoi: OK, let me just turn on my computer first.

Jonas: Sure. Oh, by the way, I downloaded some great free software for presentations.

Yayoi: On the company PC?

Jonas: Yes.

Yayoi: Um, you’re not supposed to download software because there’s a security risk.

Jonas: Oh, really?

Yayoi: Yes, the IT department announced it.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Which of the following is true?

A: The IT department needs more staff.

B: Yayoi doesn’t have a computer.

C: Jonas shouldn’t have download a software.

正解は C: Jonas shouldn’t have download a software.


Lesson 073 発言タイプ:指示⑪ 警告する


Doctor: Please have a seat, Jeremy.

Jeremy: Thank you, Doctor. So, am I in good health?

Doctor: Well, I think you already know the answer. Absolutely not.

Jeremy: What’s the problem?

Doctor: Your cholesterol levels are too high.

Jeremy: I thought they would be. I can’t stop snacking.

Doctor: I’m warning you. If you don’t change your eating habits, there will be big problems later.

Jeremy: I guess I’ll have to go on a diet.

Doctor: Jeremy, this is no laughing matter.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What advice did the doctor give Jeremy?

A: She the doctor more often.

B: Keep eating snacks.

C: Change what and how much he eats.

正解は C: Change what and how much he eats.


Lesson 074 発言タイプ:依頼① 依頼の基本


Wayne: Ms. Stravinsky, my daughter Amy is turning 14 next month.

Ms. Stravinsky: Fourteen already? It seems like only yesterday when she was seven.

Wayne: Yes, time flies. Oh, Ms. Stravinsky, can I ask you something?

Ms. Stravinsky: Of course.

Wayne: Amy is a big fan of ragtime piano music. Could you play a ragtime piece for her birthday?

Ms. Stravinsky: Yes! I know just the one. “The Entertainer” by Scott Joplin.

Wayne: Is it the one that goes…?

Ms. Stravinsky: That’s the one. It’s quite famous.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What will Ms. Stravinsky do for Amy’s birthday?

A: She will give her a new piano.

B: She will play the piano.

C: She will take her to see Scott.

正解は B: She will play the piano.


Say It In English!



This restaurant looks good.
Excuse me, but you’re not supposed to bring pets inside this restaurant.
私はこの近くでいくつかペット同伴可能なレストランを知っています。 教えてあげますね。
I know some pet-friendly restaurants around here. Let me show you.


So, why don’t we go for a drink? I know some properties you may be interested in.
Hey, if you use relationships as a tool for increasing sales, there will be serious consequences.
I don’t mind having a drink with you, but I don’t want to hear your sales pitch.


pet-friendly  ペット同伴可能な:
be not supposed to ~  ~しないことになっている
Let me ~  ~させてください
relationship  人間 (恋愛)関係
sales  売上高
sales pitch  セールストーク
there will be serious consequences  深刻な結果になります
I don’t mind ~  ~を気にしない・かまわない

challenge man:

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  • 初めまして!ラジオ英会話で流れた表現をまとめて掲載して下さりありがとうございます!!毎日聞き逃し配信で聞いているのですが、テキストがないため、たまに聞きとれない単語がでてきてしまいます(;'∀')その時の救世主がこちらのブログです♡♡本当にありがとうございます!

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