ラジオ英会話 Lesson 130 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 130 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 126 発言タイプ:意見・考えへの応答③ 含みを残して同意する


Jeannie : Dr. Stein, why did you create me and Frankie?

Dr. Stein: Wow, what a question! And out of the blue.

Jeannie: Is it such a difficult question?

Dr. Stein: What I meant was, I wasn’t expecting you to ask such a thing.

Jeannie : Why not?

Dr. Stein: Because it’s so… human.

Jeannie: Didn’t you want Frankie and me to be like humans?

Dr. Stein: I suppose you have a point there.

Jeannie: So, what is the answer?

Dr. Stein: Why? Maybe because I wanted a family.

Jeannie: I see. Thank you, Dr. Stein.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Why did Dr. Stein create the girl and Franky?

A: Because he loves robots.

B: To have a family.

C: Because it is his job.

正解は B: To have a family.


Lesson 127 発言タイプ:意見・考えへの応答④ 同意しない


Yayoi: Jonas, I’m afraid you have not achieved all your work goals.

Jonas: Which goals?

Yayoi: You were supposed to attend some educational workshops, but you haven’t.

Jonas: That’s true.

Yayoi: And there have been some complaints about your chatting in the office.

Jonas: Chatting? I don’t chat so much.

Yayoi: You do, Jonas.

Jonas: I completely disagree. That’s not how I see it. I am building connections with coworkers.

Yayoi: People are busy and need to concentrate.

Jonas: I see. I’ll dial it back then.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What is Jonas’s problem?

A: He attended the wrong workshop.

B: He often complains about his co-workers.

C: He talks too much.

正解は C: He talks too much.


Lesson 128 発言タイプ:意見・考えへの応答⑤ 強い不同意


Akira: Commander, why do I have to fly to the moon? Are you serious?

Megan: Actually, I’m not. It was a joke.

Akira: A joke?

Megan: Yes. You seemed a bit down, Akira. I wanted to make you smile.

Akira: Oh, I didn’t understand the joke. So, let me get this straight. I can fly directly back to Earth?

Megan: Yes, Akira.

Akira: You’re serious this time.

Megan: Yes, I am.

Akira: What a relief! I’m finally leaving Mars! Thank goodness! Woohoo!

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Will Akira fly to the moon?

A: Yes, he needs to stay there for a while.

B: Yes, because it is his dream.

C: No, he will go back to earth.

正解は C: No, he will go back to earth.


Lesson 129 発言タイプ:意見・考えへの応答⑥ 不同意のクッション


Peacock: It’s a lovely day.

Aki: Yes, I love this kind of weather.

Peacock: Aki, do you feel at home here?

Aki: Not yet. It’s going to take time.

Peacock: Is there anything you need?

Aki: Um, I’d like to put a kotatsu in the living room.

Peacock: A kotatsu? Those low tables with a heater?

Aki: Yes, it’s needed for the colder months.

Peacock: I hate to disagree, but it’s not really necessary.

Aki: But my legs will get cold.

Peacock: Don’t worry. We have central heating.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A: Aki wants to go back to her hometown.

B: The man doesn’t think they need a kotatsu.

C: The weather there is poor.

正解は B: The man doesn’t think they need a kotatsu.


Say It In English!



I think I’ll release him. Life is precious, right?
本気なの? あなたの飼っている魚は外来種よね。 もし川にそれを放したら、生態系が破壊されてしまうかもしれないわ。
Are you serious? The fish you have is a non-native species. If you release it into a river, the ecosystem may be destroyed.
絶対にダメ。 お望みであれば、私が面倒見るわ。
Never do that. I can take care of it if you want me to.


Maybe learning English is not for me.
おいおい! 何を言っているんだい? 言葉を習得するには長い時間がかかります。
Oh, come on! What are you talking about? Learning a language takes a lot of time.
たとえその学習が思ったよりゆっくりに思えても、そのプロセスは間違いなくあなたの中で進んでいます。 根気よく続けてね。
Even if the learning seems slower than you expected, the process is definitely taking place inside you. Keep at it.


non-native species  外来種
ecosystem  生態系
take care of ~  ~の世話をする
even if ~  たとえ~でも
take place  (プロセスが)進む、起こる
keep at it  根気よく・あきらめず続ける

challenge man:
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