ラジオ英会話 Lesson 173 発言タイプ:これから⑤ 決める4 – 決意表明 +α

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 173 発言タイプ:これから⑤ 決める4 – 決意表明 +α

Key Sentence

I’m going to be a teacher no matter what it takes.

Today’s dialog


Bill: Cynthia, I can’t believe you’re leaving us. So, what are you going to do?

Cynthia: I want to be a high school teacher.

Bill: Really? I had no idea you were interested in teaching.

Cynthia: It’s been on my mind for a while. I’m going to be a teacher no matter what it takes.

Bill: I believe you, Cynthia. You can do it.

Cynthia: Thanks, Bill. I’ll never forget about the Desperate Rats.

Bill: Hey, we’ll play music for your school festival.



シンシア、君が僕たちのバンドを離れるなんて信じられないよ。 それで、君は何をするつもりなんだい?
Cynthia, I can’t believe you’re leaving us. So, what are you going to do?
I want to be a high school teacher.
本気なのかい? 君が教えることに興味があるなんて、全然知らなかったけれど。
Really? I had no idea you were interested in teaching.
このところずっと考えていたの。 何が何でも、私は教師になるつもりよ。
It’s been on my mind for a while. I’m going to be a teacher no matter what it takes.
君の言うことは信じるよ、シンシア。 君ならできるさ。
I believe you, Cynthia. You can do it.
ありがとう、ビル。 デスパレート・ラッツのことは決して忘れないわ。
Thanks, Bill. I’ll never forget about the Desperate Rats.
Hey, we’ll play music for your school festival.

Grammar and Vocabulary

I want to be a high school teacher.
It’s been on my mind for a while.

Typical Expressions

Key Sentence

I’m going to be a teacher no matter what it takes.


I’ll master English no matter how long it takes.

I won’t give up no matter what happens.

I’ll follow you wherever you go.

I will say no whenever you ask something of me.

I’ll do that even if it’s the last thing I do!
I’ll do that if it’s the last thing I do!

I’ll do that even if it kills me!
I’ll do that if it kills me!

Typical Expressions in Action

①あなたが何度尋ねても、私はあなたに言いません。 いいかげんにしてください。
I won’t tell you no matter how many times you ask. Please give it a rest.
②批評家が何を言おうが、私は前向きであり続けます。 私は自分を信じています。
I will stay positive whatever the critics say. I believe in myself.
③たとえどれほど大変でも、そのコンサートには行くつもりです! 彼らをライブで見るのは私の夢なのです。
I am going to go to that concert even if it kills me! It’s my dream to see them live.


have no idea  まったく考えつかない
what it takes  ある目的達成のために必要なもの(才能・財産・美貌など)
if it’s the last thing I do  それが私が (人生で) 行う最後のことであっても=何が何でも
if it kills me  それで死ぬような目に遭っても
give it a rest  その口を休ませろ→いいかげんにして
critic  批評家
believe in ~  ~を信じる

challenge man:
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