ラジオ英会話 Lesson 205 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 205 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Listening Challenge! の質問と回答は、後ほどアップします。

Lesson 201 発言タイプ:感情⑰ 驚きを表す – 基本表現


Sota: Hi, Masami. Where’s Zaytox?

Masami: He’s taking a walk. He said he was bored.

Sota: But what if somebody sees him?

Masami: He’s wearing a costume. People will think he’s a mascot of some kind.

Sota: Yeah. He kind of looks like one.

Masami: Right. He’s big and round. I could hardly believe my eyes when I first saw him.

Sota: It’s also unbelievable that he beat the AI shogi program.

Masami: Now he wants to play against people online.

Sota: Zaytox really loves shogi.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What surprised at first?

A: Zaytox’s way of talking.

B: Zaytox’s voice.

C: Zaytox’s appearance.

正解は C: Zaytox’s appearance.


Lesson 202 発言タイプ:感情⑱ 驚きを表す – まさか1


Ms. Jetz: Hi, Mr. Smith. Well, aren’t you in a good mood today?

Mr.Smith: Oh, I entered a song in a contest online and… I won a free plane ticket to Vienna.

Ms. Jetz: You’ve got to be kidding me! No way!

Mr. Smith: I was surprised too. I’ve never won anything before in my life.

Ms.Jetz: It must be a sign. Now you have absolutely no excuse not to go.

Mr.Smith: Yes, Vienna waits for me.

Ms. Jetz : All that’s left is to pack your bags.

Mr.Smith: That should be easy enough. I travel light.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Why is the woman surprised?

A: Because Mr. Smith is in a good mood.

B: Because Mr. Smith entered a song in a contest.

C: Because Mr. Smith got a ticket to Vienna.

正解は C: Because Mr. Smith got a ticket to Vienna.


Lesson 203 発言タイプ:感情⑲ 驚きを表す – まさか2

アイヴァンとアビーは、ニューヨーク在住のオンライン将棋プレーヤー。 アビーはコンピューターの画面を見ていて、奇妙なことに気がつきました。

Abby: Ivan, can you come here for a second?

Ivan: Sure, Abby. What’s up?

Abby: Look at this. There’s some new player who is beating everyone in the world.

Ivan: Wow, they’re good. They’re at Number 3 right now.

Abby: And they’re going to reach Number 1 soon.

Ivan: That can’t be right. Nobody can beat the world champion. Who is this guy?

Abby: The avatar name is “Vegan 1.” “He” could be a “she” too.

Ivan: Oh, that’s an interesting name. Whoever they are, I guess they don’t eat meat.

Abby: Yeah, maybe.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Which of the following is true?

A: A team of new players is at number three.

B: Ivan doesn’t think the world champion will lose.

C: Abby is a Vegan.

正解は B: Ivan doesn’t think the world champion will lose.


Lesson 204 発言タイプ:感情⑳ 恐れを表す


Shiho: Doug! What’s wrong?

Doug: Oh, I just saw a huge centipede on the floor. It scared me.

Shiho: Yes, the insects here on this island can get very large.

Doug: I’ve never seen a centipede that big in my life.

Shiho: You have to be careful, Doug. Sometimes, they’re venomous.

Doug: My heart is still racing. Bugs creep me out.

Shiho: That’s the downside of life on an island. But there are a lot of pluses too.

Doug: I know. We take the good with the bad.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What is the downside of life on an island for the two people?

A: There are no huge shopping centers.

B: There are big insects.

C: They always have to race against time.

正解は B: There are big insects.


Say It In English!



What’s happening?
もう大丈夫。 私がクモをすごく怖がっているって知っているわよね? お風呂場で大きなクモを見つけたと思ったの。
I’m OK now. I’m so afraid of spiders, you know? I thought I found a huge spider in the bathroom.
But it turned out to be your sock!


Listen to this. I went shopping in Shibuya yesterday, and I saw Ken walking down the street.
君はボーイフレンドを見たって言っているのかい? 10年前に亡くなった人? ありえないよ!
Are you saying you saw your boyfriend? The one who died ten years ago? That can’t be!
まさか彼のあとをつけたわけじゃないだろうね。 怖いよ。
Don’t tell me you followed him. You’re scaring.


turn out ~  (結局)~だということがわかる
Are you saying ~?  ~と言っているのですか?
Don’t tell me ~.  ~だなんて言わないでくれ→まさか~じゃないでしょうね」

challenge man:
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