ラジオ英会話 Lesson 215 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 215 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 211 発言タイプ:感情㉕ イライラ

ウィーンに到着した、音楽教師のスミス先生。 道を尋ねた相手が偶然にも、ピアノ教師のストラヴィンスキー先生でした。

Mr. Smith: Excuse me, is this the right tram for the theater?

Ms. Stravinsky: Yes, this one takes you there.

Mr. Smith: Oh, your accent sounds American.

Ms. Stravinsky: Well, I live in America, but I was born here in Vienna.

Mr. Smith: Oh, wow! It’s my first time here.

Ms. Stravinsky: You’re going to love it. If you love classical music, anyway.

Mr. Smith: I teach music at a high school.

Ms. Stravinsky: Really? I’m a piano teacher. Do you enjoy teaching?

Mr. Smith: Well, sometimes my students drive me crazy, but generally I do.

Ms. Stravinsky: The same goes for me too.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Which of the following is true?

A: The woman has a Viennese accent.

B: The man wants to go to the theater.

C: The two people work for the same school.

正解は B: The man wants to go to the theater.


Lesson 212 発言タイプ:感情㉖ 怒り


Dad: Oh, not again! I keep seeing this stuff.

Roxy: What’s the matter, Dad?

Dad: This is fake news. They say there’s an alien walking around in Tokyo.

Roxy: It’s the internet, Dad. People can say whatever they want.

Dad: It angers me when people post lies on social media.

Roxy: Nobody’s forcing you to read it.

Dad: Roxy, many people can’t tell lies from the truth. They believe everything they read!

Roxy: It depends on the person. Most of my friends can tell.

Dad: Well, that’s no excuse really.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What made dad angry?

A: People who post fake news online.

B: An alien walking around in Tokyo.

C: People who don’t like social media.

正解は A: People who post fake news online.


Lesson 213 発言タイプ:感情㉗ 緊張


Bill: So, Doris, how is Derek doing?

Doris: He’s fine. He keeps talking about returning to the band.

Bill: I feel a bit nervous about that. It was his decision to quit, right?

Doris: I know, but now he feels like he made a mistake.

Bill: Well, we have a new bass player and he’s great. He’d be rattled if Derek came back.

Doris : Why can’t you have two bass players?

Bill: No way. There’s only room for one bassist in the Desperate Rats.

Doris : Anyway, you should talk to him about it.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What is the problem?

A: Derek wants to go back to his hometown.

B: Bill’s apartment has only one room.

C: The band can’t have two bassists.

正解は C: The band can’t have two bassists.


Lesson 214 発言タイプ:感情㉘ フラストレーション・ストレス


Hiroki: Can you believe it? My pay is getting cut by ten percent!

Hiroko: These things do happen in companies.

Hiroki: Yes, but it’s so frustrating to deal with. I’m fed up with my company.

Hiroko: Listen, Hiroki. I see a brighter future for you.

Hiroki: Brighter? I have monthly payments to make on my new condo.

Hiroko: Things may seem tough now, but everything will work out later.

Hiroki: How do you know?

Hiroko: I just know. Have faith!

Hiroki: All right….

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What does Hiroki need to do?

A: Find a shortcut to his company.

B: Brighten up his room.

C: Pay for his new condo every month.

正解は C: Pay for his new condo every month.


Say It In English!



Why did you break up?
うーん、彼はいい人だったけど、優柔不断だったのよ。 どこに行くかも、何を食べるかも、決めたのはいつも私。
Well, he was a good guy, but indecisive. It was always me that decided where to go and what to eat.
すごくフラストレーションがたまったの。 別れてよかったわ。
That was so frustrating. I’m glad we broke up.


Hey, you look down.
As you know, I always get so nervous in front of a microphone that bad jokes are all that come out of my mouth.
I’m so stressed out with this job.


where to ~  どこに~すべきか
what to ~  何をすべきか
indecisive  優柔不断(な)
bad joke  つまらない・ばかな冗談
as you know  あなたが知っているように
get nervous  緊張する
stressed out  ストレスで参って

challenge man:

View Comments (2)

  • こんばんは。

    Say It In English!

    うーん、彼はいい人だったけど、優柔不断だったのよ。 どこに行くかも、何を食べるかも、決めたのはいつも私。
    ell, he was a good guy, but indecisive. It was always me that decided where to go and what to eat.

    出だしが ell になっていました。

    • いつもありがとうございます。

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