ラジオ英会話 Lesson 015 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 015 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 011 発言タイプ:あいさつ① 通常のあいさつ


Masaru: Roxy? Is that you?

Roxy: Masaru? Wow, it’s been ages. How’s it going?

Masaru: Pretty good. I didn’t know you were in Japan. I thought you went to the UK to study.

Roxy: I came back last week.

Masaru: You look so different, Roxy.

Roxy: Well, it has been a few years.

Masaru: Your English is really good now too.

Roxy: Thanks. I love my British accent too.

Masaru: Yeah. It’s cool. Hey, let’s have coffee soon.

Roxy: That would be lovely, Masaru.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Why did Roxy go to the UK?

A: To study.

B: To lose a British accent.

C: To travel.

正解は A: To study.


Lesson 012 発言タイプ:あいさつ② あいさつへの応答


Yuri: Hi, Doug. Wow, it’s been a long time!

Doug: Hi, Yuri. How are you doing?

Yuri: Fine, thanks. How about you? I heard you got married.

Doug: Yes, last year. We moved to an island in southern Japan.

Yuri: That sounds so different from here.

Doug : Yes, it’s a completely different way of life.

Yuri: What are you doing there?

Doug: I still haven’t figured it out yet, but I will.

Yuri: I see. Let’s catch up later.

Doug: Sounds good.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What is Doug doing on the island?

A: Starting a new business.

B: Doing some different jobs.

C: Still figuring it out.

正解は C: Still figuring it out.


Lesson 013 発言タイプ:あいさつ③ 久しぶりの人へのあいさつ


Masami: Sota?

Sota: Masami! What are you doing here?

Masami: What? I can’t come here anymore?

Sota: Of course you can. I’m just surprised to see you. How have you been?

Masami: Fine, I guess. A lot has happened recently.

Sota: You broke up with Tom, right?

Masami: Yes, but something else happened. You’re not going to believe me, but…I met an alien.

Sota : An alien?

Masami: Yes, an alien from space.

Sota: Really? This I’ve got to hear. Have a seat.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What does Sota want to do?

A: He wants to surprise Masami.

B: He wants to meet Tom.

C: He wants to hear Masami’s story.

正解は C: He wants to hear Masami’s story.


Lesson 014 発言タイプ:あいさつ④ 相手の印象を加える


Dr. Stein: Jeannie, are you OK? You look a bit down.

Jeannie: Do I? I guess I am, a little.

Dr. Stein: What’s the problem?

Jeannie: It’s Frankie. He’s annoying me.

Dr. Stein: Isn’t he spending more time with you?

Jeannie: Yes, too much. He never leaves me alone.

Dr. Stein: But I thought you were lonely because he was ignoring you.

Jeannie: I need my own space now. I want more free time. It’s very stressful.

Dr. Stein: Hmm…

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What is the problem?

A: Jeannie is lonely.

B: Franky wants to be with Jeannie all the time.

C: Jeannie wants her own room.

正解は B: Franky wants to be with Jeannie all the time.


Say It In English!



こんにちは、デイビット。 わぁ、あなたがそんなにうれしそうにしているのを見たことがないわ。 どうしたの?
Hi, David. Wow, I’ve never seen you so happy. What happened?
Don’t tell me you got promoted!


Hi, Roza. It’s been a while since I saw you at your farewell party.
時間がたつのは早いものだね。 元気でしたか?
Time flies. How have you been?


Don’t tell me ~  まさか~ではないでしょうね。(=~だなんて言わないで)
get promoted  昇進する
farewell party  お別れパーティー
since ~  ~以来
Time flies.  時がたつのは早いもの

challenge man:
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