ラジオ英会話 Lesson 050 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 050 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 046 発言タイプ:すすめる① 「すすめる」ためのさまざまな表現


Thomas: I can’t believe I’ll be leaving Japan in a week.

Yuko: We’re going to miss you, Thomas. We had so much fun.

Thomas: We certainly did. I’ll miss our bike rides together. Oh, I need to buy some souvenirs. Where should I go?

Yuko: I would recommend Asakusa. That area has lots of Japanese-style gifts.

Thomas: Oh, yeah, I want to go there one last time. What should I get?

Yuko: My recommendation is kaminari okoshi, puffed rice crackers.

Thomas: Sounds great. Thank you.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What did Thomas not do during his stay in Japan?

A: Enjoy bike rides.

B: Go to Asakusa.

C: Make Kaminari-Okoshi.

正解は C: Make Kaminari-Okoshi.


Lesson 047 発言タイプ:すすめる② 食べ物をすすめる


Aileen: Caspar, thank you for inviting me to your party.

Caspar: Well, I call it an “offline meeting.”

Aileen: Right, as opposed to an online meeting.

Caspar: Would you like a mini quiche? My wife Alexis made them.

Aileen: Oh, they look delicious! Thank you.

Caspar: I’m glad so many people came today.

Aileen: Yes, a few are from our video-making class.

Caspar: Right. Thanks to that class, my video channel has improved a lot.

Aileen: I love your channel with your cat. What’s her name again?

Caspar: Umi.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What made Casper’s video chanel better?

A: He had an offline meeting with the woman.

B: Alexis gave him some advice.

C: He took a video making class.

正解は C: He took a video making class.


Lesson 048 発言タイプ:すすめる③ 参加をすすめる


Masaru: OK, Roxy, I got you a Big West cappuccino.

Roxy: Thank you, Masaru. I love this café. They don’t have them in the UK.

Masaru: Really? I thought they came from there. Oh well.

Roxy: Oh, that reminds me. My family is having a barbecue next Sunday. Would you like to join us?

Masaru: Sure! I love barbecues.

Roxy: Dad is also serving his specialty, seafood paella.

Masaru: Oh, right. You told me your dad is a good cook.

Roxy: Well, his paella is good.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What will Masaru do next Sunday?

A: Go to the UK.

B: Go to a barbeque.

C: Cook paella.

正解は B: Go to a barbeque.


Lesson 049 発言タイプ:申し出る① 助力を申し出る1


Ms. Jetz: Mr. Smith, are you familiar with the piano music called ragtime?

Mr. Smith: Yes, of course. Scott Joplin is one of my favorite composers.

Ms. Jetz: Right, he was the King of Ragtime. Uh, Mr. Smith, are you OK? You’re making a strange face.

Mr. Smith: Isn’t the air in here a little stuffy?

Ms. Jetz: Shall I open the window?

Mr. Smith: Thank you. Ah, that’s better.

Ms. Jetz: Let me know if it gets too cold.

Mr. Smith: Thank you. You know, my students say I’m stuffy. Am I?

Ms. Jetz: No, not at all.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Why did the woman open the window?

A: Because Mr. Smith looked uncomfortable.

B: Because a student asked her to.

C: Because the room was too hot.

正解は A: Because Mr. Smith looked uncomfortable.


Say It In English!



Could you help me? I don’t know the right platform.
切符を見せて。 新幹線で名古屋に行きたいのですね?
Let me see your ticket. You want to go to Nagoya by Shinkansen, right?
まず山手線で東京駅に行く必要があります。 この駅はちょっと複雑ですから、プラッ トホームまで案内させてください。
First, you need to go to Tokyo Station using the Yamanote Line. This station is a bit complicated, so let me take you to the platform.


Thank you for this wonderful party.
どういたしまして。ところで、そばをちょっといかがでしょう? 私は定年退職のあと、そば打ちを始めたんですよ。
My pleasure. By the way, would you like some soba? I took up making soba after retirement.
あなたがそれを試す最初のお客さんになります。 興味あります?
You’ll be the first guest that tries it. Interested?


complicated  複雑な
take up  (興味を抱いて仕事・趣味などを) 始める

challenge man:
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