ラジオ英会話 Lesson 110 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 110 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 106 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす① 非難-さんざん注意したのに


Ayako: Jeremy! I thought I smelled something!

Jeremy: Ayako! I thought you were asleep!

Ayako: I told you not to eat snacks after dinner.

Jeremy: But I’m so hungry.

Ayako: You’re on a diet. The doctor said your cholesterol levels are too high.

Jeremy: I know, but I’m still hungry after eating only diet food for dinner.

Ayako: OK. I have an idea. Let’s start cooking different kinds of dishes with soy meat.

Jeremy: I won’t get hungry?

Ayako: No, they will fill you up.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What was Jeremy doing?

A: He was sleeping.

B: He was eating.

C: He was cooking.

正解は B: He was eating.


Lesson 107 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす② 非難-そのほかの非難


Frankie: Jeannie, these flowers are for you.

Jeannie: Wow, thank you, Frankie! They’re beautiful. Where did you find them?

Frankie: At a neighbor’s house.

Jeannie: You mean someone gave them to you?

Frankie: No, I picked them from the garden. The lady there got angry at me.

Jeannie: Of course she did! How could you do such a thing?

Frankie: I did not know. There was a sign that said “For Sale.” It was about the house, not the flowers.

Jeannie: Oh no. You still have much to learn.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: How did Franky get the flowers?

A: He bought them.

B: A lady gave them to him.

C: He picked them.

正解は C: He picked them.


Lesson 108 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす③ 態度をとがめる


Grandpa: Darling, when are we going back to England?

Grandma: Are you in a hurry to leave?

Grandpa: No, I’m just curious about the date. We’ve been in Japan for over a month now.

Grandma: Yes, life is very different here.

Grandpa: That’s for sure. The way Roxy dresses in Japan is a bit strange.

Grandma: Don’t be so rude. Some young people in Japan dress that way. I like the way she dresses.

Grandpa: But she looks like Alice in Wonderland…

Grandma: That’s enough out of you.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Which of the flowing is true?

A: The man wants to live in Japan.

B: Roxy bought some strange dresses.

C: The woman likes Roxy’s fashion.

正解は C: The woman likes Roxy’s fashion.


Lesson 109 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす④ 口の利き方をとがめる


Alexis: So, we have all the ingredients we need to make tacos, right?

Caspar: Right. We have the meat, lettuce, and I bought this new salsa.

Alexis: Oh, can I taste it?

Caspar: Sure. Hold on. Oh, I can’t get this freaking jar open!

Alexis: Hey, watch your mouth!

Caspar: Why do they have to put it on so tight?

Alexis: Here, let me try.

Caspar: Hey, how did you open it so easily?

Alexis: It takes a little effort.

Caspar: You’re really strong, Alexis.

Alexis: You didn’t know that?

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What did the man realize?

A: One ingredient is missing.

B: The new salsa tastes good.

C: Alexis is strong.

正解は C: Alexis is strong.


Say It In English!



ママ! (妹に)おもちゃを取られたんだよ!
Mom! She took my toy!
何やってるの? どうしてそんなことを妹にできたの?
What are you doing? How could you do such a thing to your little sister?
見て。 彼女は泣いているじゃない。 彼女に謝って。 妹には優しくしなさい、わかった?
Look. She’s crying. Apologize to her. Be nice to your sister, OK?


I’m back.
人前で魔法を使わないように何度言いましたか? そんなことをし続けると、面倒なことになりますよ。
How many times have I told you not to use magic in public? You’ll get in trouble if you keep on doing that.
If you want to go somewhere, use the train!


apologize  謝る
nice  よい、優しい
Be nice ~  よくしなさい・優しくしなさい
use magic  魔法を使う
in public  人前で(人が見ることができる場所で)
get in trouble  トラブルを起こす・トラブルになる

challenge man:
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