ラジオ英会話 Lesson 125 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 125 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 121 発言タイプ:申し出への応答① 申し出に気軽に応じる


Bill: So, Cynthia. You really don’t like my disco songs?

Cynthia: Personally, I like them, but I’m thinking about our fan base.

Bill: Don’t my songs remind you of the good old days?

Cynthia: Well, that was a different era, Bill. There’s no need to rush things. You can write more music.

Bill: Sounds good. I can go with our usual heavy metal style. It shouldn’t be a problem.

Cynthia: Thanks, Bill. Trust me, that’s what our fans want.

Bill: If you say so.

Cynthia: I do.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What does Cynthia want Bill to do?

A: Listen to more disco songs.

B: Let her write a song.

C: Make heavy metal songs.

正解は C: Make heavy metal songs.


Lesson 122 発言タイプ:申し出への応答② 申し出を断る


Aoi: OK, Renji, that’s all for today. We can study Lesson 5 next time.

Renji: Thanks, Aoi. Oh, I wanted to ask you something.

Aoi: Sure, what’s up?

Renji: Our school is having its sports festival next Saturday. I’m running. Wanna come?

Aoi: I’m sorry, I’d love to go, but I’m busy on Saturday.

Renji: Oh, do you have to work?

Aoi: No, my niece wants to go shopping.

Renji: Your niece? How old is she?

Aoi: Ten. She wants to buy a Halloween costume.

Renji: OK, that’s cool.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What will Aoi do next Saturday?

A: Go to the sports festival.

B: Go shopping.

C: Make a Halloween costume.

正解は B: Go shopping.


Lesson 123 発言タイプ:意見・考えへの応答① 同意する

新入社員のリンタロウとアカリ。 別の部署で働く2人が話をしています。

Akari: Rintaro, it’s been a while! How are you doing?

Rintaro: Fine. I’m really busy learning new things.

Akari: You look great! Did you lose some weight?

Rintaro: Maybe. I have to run around to different places every day.

Akari: That’s good exercise. I wish I could move around more often.

Rintaro: But it’s not easy being the new kid on the block.

Akari: I feel the same way. It’s hard to get to know everybody.

Rintaro: It takes time. I’m sure you’ll be OK.

Akari: Thanks.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Which of the following is not true?

A: Rintaro is learning new things.

B: The woman knows everyone in the office.

C: Both of them are new commers.

正解は B: The woman knows everyone in the office.


Lesson 124 発言タイプ:意見・考えへの応答② 強く同意する


Helen: Gary, where are you going?

Gary: I’m going home. I’ve had it.

Helen: What happened?

Gary: I couldn’t stand the guy who was sitting next to us.

Helen: The one on his phone?

Gary: Yes. He was on a business call, talking loudly. That’s not OK.

Helen: I couldn’t agree more. I guess it doesn’t bother some people.

Gary: And I didn’t feel like complaining to the staff.

Helen: Well, someone else probably will. I’ll go back to the dorm with you. Let me get my things.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What does the woman think?

A: Taking loudly on the phone is not appropriate.

B: She can’t agree with Gary.

C: She wants him to get her things.

正解は A: Taking loudly on the phone is not appropriate.


Say It In English!



Why don’t we go shopping at the mall after work?
ごめんなさい。 行けるものなら行きたいんだけど、歯医者さんの予約があって行けないの。
I’m sorry. I would if I could, but I have a dentist appointment, so I can’t.
How about tomorrow?


I can’t stand no-show customers.
ああ、そのとおりだよ。 その場合、私たちはテーブルを埋めることができないから。
Oh, you can say that again. In that case, there’s no way for us to fill up the table.
Making a phone call to cancel the reservation ahead of time isn’t so difficult, is it?


dentist appointment  歯科医の予約
appointment  予約・(面会の)約束
ahead of time  事前に、定刻より前に
You can say that again.  まったくです、そのとおり
there’s no way ~  ~の方法がない

challenge man:
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