ラジオ英会話 Lesson 135 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 135 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 131 発言タイプ:意見・考えへの応答⑦ いったん引いて不同意を伝える


Helen: Gary, I might need to get another bookshelf.

Gary: Wow, Helen, you’ve got a lot of books already.

Helen: I know. If I buy any more, I won’t be able to put them anywhere.

Gary: Why don’t you read e-books?

Helen: I do sometimes, but real books have their advantages.

Gary: Such as?

Helen: You can remember things better from real books.

Gary: I agree with you up to a point, but e-books take up less space.

Helen: That’s true.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What does Gary suggest to Helen?

A: Read more real books.

B: Buy e-books.

C: Stop reading.

正解は B: Buy e-books.


Lesson 132 発言タイプ:意見・考えへの応答⑧ 判断の留保


Masami: Zaytox! Where did Sota go?

Zaytox: He’s outside. He said he needed to think.

Masami: Did you talk to him?

Zaytox : Yes, he’s a nice guy.

Masami: I think so, too. What did you say?

Zaytox: I asked about the shogi club. I want to join.

Masami: Can you play shogi?

Zaytox: Yes, I learned the rules. It’s easy.

Masami: Did Sota agree?

Zaytox: I can’t say. He said he never had an alien in his club before.

Masami: Yeah, I would think not.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What is Sota probably considering?

A: How to get to Zaytox’s planet.

B: When to quit the club.

C: Whether to let Zaytox join the club.

正解は C: Whether to let Zaytox join the club.


Lesson 133 発言タイプ:好意的な発言への応答① 感謝を示し、前向きな発言を加える

テレビのトーク番組の司会者ケリー。 今日のゲストは映画スター、アーノルド・シルベスター のようです。

Kelly: All right, we are back. Today we have a very special guest. Arnold Sylvester, welcome to the show.

Arnold: Thank you, Kelly. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Kelly: Arnold, let me say that I am a huge fan of your movies.

Arnold: That’s so kind of you.

Kelly: I think the first movie I saw on TV was the original “Ramenator.”

Arnold: That was a long time ago.

Kelly: You haven’t changed much at all.

Arnold: Oh, you know how to flatter your guests!

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Which of the following is true?

A: Kelly likes Arnold’s movies very much.

B: Kelly isn’t very good at flattery.

C: Kelly and Arnold saw “Raminator” together.

正解は A: Kelly likes Arnold’s movies very much.


Lesson 134発言タイプ:好意的な発言への応答② 感謝を示しながら辞退する


Dad: How’s college life?

Roxy: It’s OK, but I want to go back to the UK.

Dad: Sure, you can stay at your grandparents’ again.

Roxy: But this time I’ll pay for the plane ticket.

Dad: It’s very expensive, Roxy.

Roxy: I know. That’s why I want to get a part-time job.

Dad: Why don’t you teach English conversation?

Roxy: I appreciate your advice, but it’s not for me. I’m bad at teaching.

Dad: Really? I think you’d make a good teacher.

Roxy: No, I’m too shy.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What does Roxy want to do?

A: Take care of her grand parents.

B: Work to get money.

C: Become a teacher.

正解は B: Work to get money.


Say It In English!



なぜ彼女は僕のメッセージに返信するのにこんなに時間がかかるのだろう。 彼女は僕を愛していないように感じます。 どう思いますか?
I wonder why she takes so long to reply to my texts. It feels like she doesn’t love me. What do you think?
あまりよくわからないわね。 彼女はITベンチャーの新入社員よね?
I’m not so sure about that. She’s a new recruit in an IT venture, right?
仕事でとても忙しくて返信する時間がないのかも。 落ち着いて、彼女をそっとしておいてあげて、いいわね?
She may be so busy working that she has no time to reply to you. Relax and give her some space, OK?


Would you like soba with prawn tempura after this?
いえ、結構です。 とってもおいしそうですが、残念ながら私は甲殻類アレルギーなのです。
No, thank you. It sounds really delicious, but unfortunately I’m allergic to shellfish.
そばだけをいただけますか? それは私の好物なんですよ。
Could I have just the soba? That’s my favorite.


I’m not so sure about that.  あまりよくわからない
venture  ベンチャー
give ~ some space  ~をそっとしておく
allergic to shellfish  甲殻類アレルギー
allergic to ~  ~にアレルギーがある

challenge man:
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