ラジオ英会話 Lesson 150 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 150 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 146 発言タイプ:可能性⑤ ありそうもない


Dad: Hey, Roxy, how’s the job hunting going?

Roxy: Hi, Dad. Let me just finish typing this.

Dad: Oh, sorry.

Roxy: It’s OK. I’m done. Yeah, I’ve applied to three places today. One is at a resort hotel.

Dad: A part-time job at a resort?

Roxy: Yes. I’d be surprised if I got an interview, though. Lots of students are applying.

Dad: What would you do there?

Roxy: Bed-making and cleaning. It sounds interesting.

Dad: How’s the pay?

Roxy: Not so bad.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: How is Roxy’s job hunting going?

A: She has already finished.

B: It’s still going on.

C: She’s had an interview.

正解は B: It’s still going on.


Lesson 147 発言タイプ:可能性⑥ ありえない


Masami: Sota, Zaytox has beaten everybody in our club!

Sota: I know. I can’t believe how strong he is.

Masami: Maybe he should be the captain of the club.

Sota: I don’t think so. I have an idea. There’s one player he hasn’t played against yet.

Masami: Who?

Sota: It’s not a person, but an AI program. Zaytox doesn’t stand a chance against it!

Masami: Really?

Sota: Our AI program is quite strong, I think.

Masami: That sounds exciting. Let’s ask him then!

Sota: OK.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Which of the following is closest to Sota’s view?

A: Zatox will not join the shogi club.

B: Zatox should be the captain of the club.

C: The shogi clubs’s AI will beat Zatox at shogi.

正解は C: The shogi clubs’s AI will beat Zatox at shogi.


Lesson 148 発言タイプ:正誤判断① 正しい


Shiho: Doug, I smelled the turkey from outside.

Doug: Yeah, I hope it doesn’t bother the neighbors.

Shiho: Because we’re the only ones roasting a turkey today?

Doug: Exactly. But Thanksgiving is a holiday when many families in America eat roasted turkey. Did you know that turkey wasn’t eaten for Thanksgiving originally?

Shino: I didn’t know that. What did they eat, then?

Doug: I read an article about it online and it says…take a guess!

Shiho: Um…did they not eat meat?

Doug: Oh, you’re on the right track!

Shiho: OK…seafood?

Doug: Seafood is spot on! Oysters and lobsters were served.

Shiho: That’s interesting.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Which of the following is true?

A: Some of the neighbors are roasting a turkey.

B: Doug read an online article.

C: The two people will eat oysters and lobsters.

正解は B: Doug read an online article.


Lesson 149 発言タイプ:正誤判断② 間違いであることを伝える・判断を避ける


Jessica: Oh, Professor Peacock, it’s been ages. You must have been busy.

Peacock: Jessica, hello. You can say that again.

Jessica: So, you married your old flame.

Peacock: That’s not exactly right. Aki was a long-time friend. Now she’s my wife.

Jessica: Congratulations. I’m so happy for you.

Peacock: Thank you. Anyway, enough about me. How are things with you?

Jessica: Great. I’m going to visit the famous ruins.

Peacock: Do you mean Göbekli Tepe in Turkey?

Jessica: Yes!

Peacock: Excellent.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What will Jessica do?

A: Meet a famous person.

B: Visit the professor’s house.

C: Go to Turkey.

正解は C: Go to Turkey.


Say It In English!



It’s already seven o’clock. I wonder what happened to Bob.
はは! 心配しないで。 彼が時間どおりに現れたらびっくりよ。 彼はいつも遅れるの。
Ha-ha! Don’t worry. I’d be surprised if he showed up on time. He’s always late.
入りましょう。すごくおなかがすいたわ。 私たちがここにいないとわかれば、電話をかけてくるわよ。
Let’s go in. I’m starving. He’ll call us if he sees we’re not here.


Lucky for us Bob didn’t come.
僕ならそうは言わないよ。 彼が来られなかったのは残念だ。 でも、彼が僕たちにお互いをもっとよく知る絶好の機会をくれたというのは本当だね。
I wouldn’t say that. It’s a pity that he couldn’t come. But it’s true that he gave us a great opportunity to get to know each other better.
Why don’t we go to a nice bar after this?


starving  すごくおなかがすいて
It’s a pity (that) ~  ~は残念です
I wouldn’t say that.  (私なら)そうは言わないでしょう
It’s a pity (that) ~  ~は残念です
get to know  知るようになる・知り合いになる

challenge man:
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