ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 186 発言タイプ:感情⑤ 恋愛感情

ロキシーの母親と父のアダムが話しています。 どうやらロキシーは恋をしているようです。

Mom: Adam, have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?

Dad: Unusual? No, she seems really happy.

Mom: That’s what I mean. She’s never that happy. I think she has a crush on Masaru.

Dad: Masaru? I didn’t think he was her type.

Mom: Well, they both have a thing for anime. They go to movies together.

Dad: Now that you mention it, she did buy some new clothes recently.

Mom: What do you think of Masaru?

Dad: He seems like a nice guy. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Who is Masaru?

A: A person who crashed his car in front of Roxy.

B: Roxy’s friends who loves anime.

C: A man who works at a movie theatre.

正解は B: Roxy’s friends who loves anime.


Lesson 187 発言タイプ:感情⑥ 興味・関心


Roxy : Wow, Masaru, I haven’t been here in a while. Look at all the anime figure shops.

Masaru: I know, Roxy. I want to look at all of them.

Roxy: There are other things in this town too.

Masaru: What kind of things?

Roxy: Um, old electronics stores.

Masaru: Oh, yeah? I’m interested in that kind of stuff.

Roxy: My dad is too. He used to come here often when he was younger.

Masaru: Oh, I thought he was interested in cooking.

Roxy: My dad has lots of hobbies.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Which of the following is true?

A: Roxy has visited the town before.

B: Masaru wants to work at an electronic store.

C: Roxy’s dad was born in the town.

正解は A: Roxy has visited the town before.


Lesson 188 発言タイプ:感情⑦ 無関心

フランキーとジーニーが、 図書館の屋外デッキで話しています。フランキーはSF小説に興味があるようです。

Frankie: I like this library, Jeannie. It is very quiet and peaceful here.

Jeannie: Yes, I like sitting outside on these deck chairs.

Frankie: I have been reading some science-fiction books. They mention us.

Jeannie: Us?

Frankie: Yes, many of these books have androids in them.

Jeannie: Who cares? Besides, I don’t like the word “android.” I want to be just like a human.

Frankie: But the androids in these books act like humans.

Jeannie: I don’t care. I don’t want to be called an “android” in the first place.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What kind of books has the man been reading.

A: Science text books.

B: Science fiction books.

C: Manuals for making androids.

正解は B: Science fiction books.


Lesson 189 発言タイプ:感情⑧ うれしい・幸せ


Megan: Akira, you look like a totally different person now.

Akira: Really? How so?

Megan: You’re always smiling. You’ve been on cloud nine ever since you got back.

Akira: Yes, I’m so happy to be back on Earth.

Megan: I know the feeling. Look at this blue sky.

Akira: I’ll never take a blue sky for granted again. Humans don’t realize how lucky they are.

Megan: That’s right. We need to take better care of our planet.

Akira: Exactly. This is the only home we’ve got.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Why is Akira smiling?

A: Because he found nine beautiful clouds in the sky.

B: Because he is on earth now.

C: Because he was lucky to go to another planet.

正解は B: Because he is on earth now.


Say It In English!



You light up whenever you see Hiroshi. Don’t tell me you…
ああ、気づいたのね。 ヒロシにすごく夢中なの、彼はとても面白くて親切だから。
Oh, you noticed. I have a huge crush on Hiroshi because he is so funny and kind.
He seems available, so I’ll ask him out. But it’s strictly between you and me, OK?


Thank you for your question.
たいへんすばらしい発表でした。 お会いできて、とてもうれしいです。 私は子どもが母語を獲得するプロセスに興味があります。
That was a very impressive presentation. I’m so happy to meet you. I’ve been intrigued by the process that children acquire their mother tongue with.
Could you please give me your email address, so we can share information?


have a crush on ~  ~に熱を上げる、~に夢中な
notice  気がつく
available  つきあっている人がいない
ask ~ out  ~をデートに誘う
between you and me  2人の間→ここだけの話
acquire  獲得する
mother tongue  母語
be intrigued by ~  ~に興味がある

challenge man:
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