ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 186 発言タイプ:感情⑤ 恋愛感情

ロキシーの母親と父のアダムが話しています。 どうやらロキシーは恋をしているようです。

Mom: Adam, have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?

Dad: Unusual? No, she seems really happy.

Mom: That’s what I mean. She’s never that happy. I think she has a crush on Masaru.

Dad: Masaru? I didn’t think he was her type.

Mom: Well, they both have a thing for anime. They go to movies together.

Dad: Now that you mention it, she did buy some new clothes recently.

Mom: What do you think of Masaru?

Dad: He seems like a nice guy. I wouldn’t worry about it.


Lesson 187 発言タイプ:感情⑥ 興味・関心


Roxy : Wow, Masaru, I haven’t been here in a while. Look at all the anime figure shops.

Masaru: I know, Roxy. I want to look at all of them.

Roxy: There are other things in this town too.

Masaru: What kind of things?

Roxy: Um, old electronics stores.

Masaru: Oh, yeah? I’m interested in that kind of stuff.

Roxy: My dad is too. He used to come here often when he was younger.

Masaru: Oh, I thought he was interested in cooking.

Roxy: My dad has lots of hobbies.


Lesson 188 発言タイプ:感情⑦ 無関心

フランキーとジーニーが、 図書館の屋外デッキで話しています。フランキーはSF小説に興味があるようです。

Frankie: I like this library, Jeannie. It is very quiet and peaceful here.

Jeannie: Yes, I like sitting outside on these deck chairs.

Frankie: I have been reading some science-fiction books. They mention us.

Jeannie: Us?

Frankie: Yes, many of these books have androids in them.

Jeannie: Who cares? Besides, I don’t like the word “android.” I want to be just like a human.

Frankie: But the androids in these books act like humans.

Jeannie: I don’t care. I don’t want to be called an “android” in the first place.


Lesson 189 発言タイプ:感情⑧ うれしい・幸せ


Megan: Akira, you look like a totally different person now.

Akira: Really? How so?

Megan: You’re always smiling. You’ve been on cloud nine ever since you got back.

Akira: Yes, I’m so happy to be back on Earth.

Megan: I know the feeling. Look at this blue sky.

Akira: I’ll never take a blue sky for granted again. Humans don’t realize how lucky they are.

Megan: That’s right. We need to take better care of our planet.

Akira: Exactly. This is the only home we’ve got.


Say It In English!







have a crush on ~  ~に熱を上げる、~に夢中な
notice  気がつく
available  つきあっている人がいない
ask ~ out  ~をデートに誘う
between you and me  2人の間→ここだけの話
acquire  獲得する
mother tongue  母語
be intrigued by ~  ~に興味がある

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

