ラジオ英会話 Lesson 140 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 140 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 136 発言タイプ:知恵① Know の使い方


Bob: Sally, look, they have a famous painting here.

Sally: I can’t believe I’m looking at this painting by Matisse with my own eyes!

Bob: Oh, you know Matisse? Yes, this piece was painted late in his life.

Sally: I know a little about his art. Were you influenced by him, Bob?

Bob: I’ve tried to paint like him, but it’s not so easy.

sally: I’d like to try.

Bob: Well, you might be disappointed. Matisse was one of a kind.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What are Sally and Bob looking at?

A: A painting by Matisse.

B: A photo of Matisse.

C: A Matisse like painting by Bob.

正解は A: A painting by Matisse.


Lesson 137 発言タイプ:知恵② 知らない

手相占い師のヒロコの元に、 営業部員のヒロキがアドバイスを求めてやってきました。

Hiroko: Hiroki, you’re back again!

Hiroki: Yes, I need advice.

Hiroko: How many times have you visited me?

Hiroki: I can’t remember. Four or five times?

Hiroko: And now what do you want to know?

Hiroki: What do you think will happen to me?

Hiroko : Who knows? It’s beyond me. I know not.

Hiroki: But you’re a fortune-teller.

Hiroko: Your question is too broad. It’s too vague. You need to be more specific.

Hiroki: So, you can’t help me?

Hiroko: I can give you clues if you ask the right questions.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What does Hiroki need to do?

A: Think for himself.

B: Learn fortune telling.

C: Ask specific questions.

正解は C: Ask specific questions.


Lesson 138 発言タイプ:知識③ know 以外の動詞を使った「知っている」


Andrew: Linda, it’s been a while. How are things at the shogi club?

Linda: They’re fine, but Sota canceled practice today.

Andrew: Why did he do that?

Linda: He said he needed the room for something, and that we shouldn’t go in there.

Andrew: Hmm…. I heard that someone strange went into the shogi club room with him.

Linda: Someone strange?

Andrew: Yeah, someone dressed up like a space alien.

Linda: Oh, maybe since it’s almost Halloween. Some of the members might be in costumes.

Andrew: You can do that in the shogi club?

Linda: I guess so. I don’t know all the rules.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Which of the following is true?

A: The club activity was canceled.

B: The boy saw a space alien.

C: Linda is in Halloween costume.

正解は A: The club activity was canceled.


Lesson 139 発言タイプ:知識④ 表現するのが難しい知識


Cindy: Mr. Emori, the leaves are changing color already in Hokkaido.

Mr. Emori: I heard. How about taking a trip there soon?

Cindy: Where in Hokkaido?

Mr. Emori: Maybe…Wakkanai?

Cindy: Wakannai? You don’t know?

Mr. Emori: Very funny. I said “Wakkanai,” not wakannai.

Cindy: Oh, I see. They sound similar to me. How’s the weather in Wakkanai?

Mr. Emori: It’s sunny, but it can get very cold at night there. You should bring a warm jacket and a sweater.

Cindy: OK, I wanted to buy a new jacket for autumn anyway.

Mr. Emori: That works out well, then.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What will the woman probably do?

A: Leave as soon as possible.

B: Check the weather forecast.

C: Purchase a jacket.

正解は C: Purchase a jacket.


Say It In English!



The boss was really angry.
はは! あなたはいつも私を驚かせますね! よく言われるように、真実は露見するということですよ。
Ha-ha! You always surprise me! As they say, truth will out.
あなたはカメラを切っておくべきでした。 冗談はさておき、仕事中は本気で集中するべきですよ。
You should have turned your camera off. But jokes aside, you should really focus when working.


I saw Mary drinking at a bar with a guy. Is Ken OK with that?
Haven’t you heard that Mary broke up with Ken?
知ってのとおり、彼はいつも電話で何時間も話してるよね。 メアリーは、それに耐えられなかったんだよ。 彼女はもっと静かな生活が必要だったんだよ。
As you know, he always spends hours talking on the phone. That’s what Mary couldn’t stand. She needed a quieter life.


as they say  彼らが言うように
Truth will out.  真実は露見するものだ。
should have + 過去分詞  ~すべきだった
~ aside  ~は別にして、~はさておき
break up with ~  ~と別れる
stand  耐える

challenge man:
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