ラジオ英会話 Lesson 145 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 145 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 141 発言タイプ:可能性① 助動詞・助動詞類を用いて確信を伝える


Cynthia: Bill, I love your new songs. The Desperate Rats are back on track! This album will be a success.

Bill: Thanks, Cynthia. I had to work hard this time.

Cynthia: Where did you get your ideas?

Bill: I got a lot from a Japanese cartoonist named Ashizuka Osamu.

Cynthia: I’ve never heard of that person.

Bill: Japanese people have. All of the new songs are inspired by him.

Cynthia : All of them?

Bill: Yes, I think I’ll call the new album… Firefly.

Cynthia: Sounds cool.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: How does Cynthia feel about the new album?

A: It will sell well.

B: She doesn’t like it.

C: It is similar to the previous album.

正解は A: It will sell well.


Lesson 142 発言タイプ:可能性② 強い確信を示す


Masami: Zaytox, thanks for waiting.

Zaytox: It’s no problem. What did Sota think about me joining the shogi club?

Masami: He’s not sure, but I have no doubt that he’ll let you join.

Zaytox: Excellent. I like playing shogi.

Masami: Why don’t you practice playing with our members in the meantime?

Zaytox: Yes, that would be fun.

Masami: You just learned the rules, so you need to practice.

Zaytox: Let’s do it. I’m getting hungry, though. How about going to the vegan ramen place first?

Masami: Sounds like a plan!

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What will Zaytox do right after this conversation?

A: Play shogi.

B: Learn the rules of shogi.

C: Go to the vegan ramen place.

正解は C: Go to the vegan ramen place.


Lesson 143 発言タイプ:可能性③ 高い可能性を示す


Kelly: And we are back. Our guest today is scientist Dr. Frank N. Stein. Welcome to the show, Dr. Stein.

Dr. Stein: Thank you, Kelly.

Kelly: Dr. Stein, I understand that you have created two androids.

Dr. Stein: Yes. Jeannie was the first, and then I made Frankie.

Kelly: Oh, wonderful! And they’re here in the studio?

Dr. Stein: Yes, you can meet them later.

Kelly: Wow, great. So, Dr. Stein, do you think we’ll see more androids in the future?

Dr. Stein: Yes, it’s likely that we will.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Which of the following is closest to the Dr. Frank N. Stein’s view?

A: The show’s host should be an android.

B: The number of androids will increase.

C: People must welcome androids.

正解は B: The number of androids will increase.


Lesson 144 発言タイプ:可能性④ 可能性がある・ありえる


Rintaro: Hello, are you a palm reader?

Hiroko: Everyone asks me the same question. Yes, that’s what the sign says.

Rintaro: This is my first time to visit one.

Hiroko: Everyone says that too. Please, sit down.

Rintaro: Can you tell me about my career?

Hiroko : Of course. Work-related readings are my specialty. You’re a salesperson, right?

Rintaro: Yes! That’s amazing.

Hiroko: It really isn’t.

Rintaro: Do you think it’s possible that I’ll meet my sales goals?

Hiroko: You may well meet them.

Rintaro: Great!

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A: The man has visited a palm reader before.

B: The man is a sales person.

C: The tow people will meet the next day.

正解は B: The man is a sales person.


Say It In English!



Hi, good morning. What’s up?
こんにちは、デイブ。 悪いのだけど、おそらく電車の遅延でミーティングにちょっと遅れます。
Hi, Dave. I’m sorry, but chances are I’ll be a bit late for the meeting because of a train delay.
駅からタクシーに乗るので、10時45分までに到着するはずです。 だから私を待たないでミーティングを始めてくださいね、いい?
I’ll take a taxi from the station, so I should arrive by 10:45. So, please start the meeting without me, OK?


How can I travel around Tokyo?
電車に乗るのがいちばんいいと思うよ。 最初は使うのが難しいと思うかもしれないけれど、一度慣れたらとっても気に入るよ。
I think it’s best to take the train. You may find it difficult to use at first, but once you get used to it, you’ll like it a lot.
それがいちばん便利な方法さ。 間違いないよ。
It’s the most convenient way. There’s no doubt about it.


chances are (that) ~  おそらく~だろう
because of ~  ~が原因で
without me  私なしで
once ~  一度~すれば
no doubt  疑いがまったくない、間違いない

challenge man:
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