ラジオ英会話 Lesson 145 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 145 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Lesson 141 fine のイメージ


Will: Naomi, I was thinking we could go to Nagoya next weekend.

Naomi: Why Nagoya?

Will: Well, Riko recommended the Hotel New Onishi. Their dinner menu is very popular.

Naomi: Oh, let me check. Hmm. There’s one room left for that weekend. Should I book it?

Will: That would be great.

Naomi: I think breakfast is included.

Will: Nagoya has coffee shops with good breakfasts. They’re called “morning sets.” How about doing that instead?

Naomi: I’m fine with that.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What will the two people do next weekend.

A: They will stay at a hotel.

B: They will have breakfast at a hotel.

C: They will open a coffee shop.

正解は A: They will stay at a hotel.


Lesson 142 happy の振れ幅

ジョナスが、 インド人のIT専門家シーナに東京オフィスを案内しています。

Sheena: So, this is the Tokyo office. It’s nice.

Jonas: Thank you, Sheena. We’re happy to have you here with us.

Sheena: Raj told me many good things about the employees in Tokyo.

Jonas: He helped us so much during his stay here. He’s a real IT wizard.

Sheena: I hope I can follow in his footsteps.

Jonas: I was so happy with the presentation he made for me. Now, let me introduce you to the others.

Sheena: Thank you, Jonas. You’re very kind.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What did Raj do?

A: He helped Sheena.

B: He hired some good employees.

C: He made a presentation for Jonas.

正解は C: He made a presentation for Jonas.


Lesson 143 big を気楽に、上手に


Roxy: Grandpa, I forgot to give you and Grandma my omiyage from Japan.

Grandpa: Omi … what?

Roxy: Oh, it’s a Japanese word meaning presents or souvenirs from a trip. Here, this is for you.

Grandpa: Japanese whisky?

Roxy: Yes, Dad said you’re a big fan of whisky.

Grandpa: I used to be, but I’m not a big drinker anymore. For health reasons.

Roxy: Well, you can share it with your friends. And this is green tea for Grandma.

Grandpa: She’s a big tea drinker, so she’ll like that.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Which of the following is true about grandpa?

A: He used to sell Japanese souvenirs.

B: He used to drink a lot.

C: He used to buy a lot of green tea.

正解は B: He used to drink a lot.


Lesson 144 little を気楽に、上手に

ランニングをして帰ってきたレンジ。 ちょっとけがをしているようですね。

Renji: Hi, Mom. I’m thirsty after running for an hour.

Riko: Renji, your leg is bleeding. Are you OK?

Renji: Oh, it’s just a small cut.

Riko: Let me wash it and put an adhesive bandage on it.

Renji: I can do it myself. I’m going out again.

Riko: Don’t you have a math test tomorrow? You should be studying for it.

Renji: It’s just a little test. I don’t need to study.

Riko: Yes, you do. That’s enough running for today. Math homework, now!

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What does Renji’s mom want him to do?

A: Prepare for a test.

B: Keep running.

C: Go out again.

正解は A: Prepare for a test.


Say It In English! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



素晴らしいマンションですね。おめでとうございます! これをどうぞ。
It’s a great apartment. Congratulations!
Here’s something for you.
Oh, you knew I’m a big fan of sake. I’m so happy you could come.
Let me introduce you to my friends.


Hey, you look sad.
Well, I had a little argument with my girlfriend. She said she wanted a cute little poppy for her birthday, so I bought her one.
だけど実は、彼女が欲しかったのはパピーだったんだよ! 大失敗だったよね?
But actually what she wanted was a puppy! Big mistake, wasn’t it?


sake  日本酒
introduce  紹介する
poppy  花
puppy  子犬
have an argument  言い争いになる

challenge man:
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