ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 186 疑問文基礎


Dr. Stein: What is that wonderful smell?

Jeannie: Carrot cake! Are you hungry? Dr. Frank N. Stein?

Dr. Stein: Did you make it, Jeannie?

Jeannie: Yes. I don’t require any food to operate, but I know that humans require food.

Dr. Stein: You made this for me?

Jeannie: Of course. You have been so kind to me. I wanted to make something for you.

Dr. Stein: Can I taste it?

Jeannie: Please, go ahead.

Dr. Stein: Yum! I’m so proud of you. This is the nicest present I’ve ever received.


Lesson 187 否定疑問文


Dad: OK, Roxy. It’s time for a second helping, right?

Roxy: No thanks, Dad. I’m full.

Dad: What’s wrong? You usually eat more.

Roxy: Well, it has a lot of sausage and chicken in it.

Dad: Don’t you like it?

Roxy: It’s OK, but to be honest, I like your seafood paella better.

Dad: Well, I thought perhaps you were bored with my regular paella.

Roxy: It’s your signature dish, Dad. As the saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Dad: Who taught you that expression?


Lesson 188 wh 疑問文①:基礎


CA: The “fasten seat belt “ signs have been turned off. Feel free to use the lavatories at this time.

Arnold: Hello! You’re the person who made the announcement, right? You have a nice voice.

CA: Thank you! Arnold Sylvester! It’s an honor to have you on our flight, sir.

Arnold: The honor’s mine.

CA: So, you’re going home to Los Angels. What did you do in Japan, Mr. Sylvester?

Arnold: I gave a woman my autograph.

CA: Really? That’s so kind of you.


Lesson 189 wh 疑問文②:wh 疑問文に慣れよう


Jonas: Sheena, thank you for bringing me to such a gorgeous hotel.

Sheena: Not at all, Jonas. You are the guest of honor. So, how do you like India?

Jonas: It’s very interesting, so different from Japan.

Sheena: I’d like to visit Japan someday. I have some friends there.

Jonas: Yes, many Indians live in Japan.

Sheena: After lunch, we can go to the Gateway of India, which is nearby.

Jonas: Fabulous! It’s very famous, isn’t it?

Sheena: Yes, it’s popular with tourists.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~







Nothing much.  変わりありません
make it a rule to … ~すること(を習慣)にする

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