ラジオ英会話 Lesson 050 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 050 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 046 感覚を表す動詞:see ②


Riko: Renji, stop playing that game.

Renji: Mom, can’t you see I’m busy?

Riko: Yes, I can see you’re busy playing computer games all the time. You promised to clean up your room today, remember?

Renji: All right, I’ll do it this afternoon.

Riko: This afternoon you have to go to your cram school lesson. Now, stop playing and clean up your room now!

Renji: OK, OK, I got the message! After just a few more minutes …

Riko: I said now!


Lesson 047 感覚を表す動詞:listen


Will: How’s your son the “Cheetah” these days?

Rico: He’s no “ Cheetah” anymore. He’s not as fast a runner as he used to be.

Will: What happened?

Rico: All he does is play video games on the sofa at home. He never exercises.

Will: He needs to keep training to win races at school.

Rico: I know. I tell him he needs to exercise, but he never listens to my advice.

Will: Maybe I should talk to him.

Rico: Yeah, I think he’d listen to you.


Lesson 048 感覚を表す動詞:hear


Tony: Julia, have you heard about Takuma?

Julia: No, what happened?

Tony: He’s engaged!

Julia: Takuma? I didn’t even know he was seeing someone.

Tony: He went on a few dates with a girl named Ayaka.

Julia: So, he’s engaged to her?

Tony: No, that didn’t work out in the end.

Julia: So, who is he getting married to?

Tony: Kelly.

Julia: Kelly? I thought he broke up with her a long time ago.

Tony: Well, they got back together again.

Julia: I guess so! Well, I’m happy for him.


Lesson 049 感覚を表す動詞:taste、smell、feel


Roxy: Grandpa, it was so cool to talk to Professor Peacock.

Grandpa: I know, Roxy. What a strange coincidence that he was at Stonehenge today.

Roxy: Well, he is a famous archaeologist. I learned a lot about Stonehenge thanks to him. Yuck!

Grandpa: What’s wrong, Roxy? You made a strange face.

Roxy: This sandwich tastes funny. What’s this black stuff? I thought it was chocolate.

Grandpa: It’s a popular spread. Don’t you have something similar in Japan?

Roxy: No that I know of.


Say It In English!







get arrested  逮捕される
as you can see  あなたがわかるとおり
what I’ve said  私が(今し方)言ったこと
see to it that …  ~を確実にする・取りはからう
in order  順調で、きちんと問題なく

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

