今週学習した基礎英語3の「Today’s CAN-DO」の英文や関連問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
10月8月曜 Lesson 085 欲しいもの・したいことなどについて言える
It is rice planted by our own hands.
Can I ask you how to buy a shinkansen ticket?
He wants to ask you how to hit the ball.
10月9日火曜 Lesson 086 欲しいもの・したいことなどについて尋ねたり、答えたりできる
What would you like me to teach you?
I want to know if I’m running properly.
I’d like to know if you are free tomorrow afternoon.
10月10日水曜 Lesson 087 ものや人を比較して意見を言ったり、説明したりできる
This uphill area is the toughest part of the first half of the course.
I think it is more fun than other courses because it has a lot more variety.
This is the most difficult part of batting.
10月11日木曜 Lesson 088 提案やアドバイスを求めたり、与えたりできる
How do I get more customers without spending money on it?
How about updating your website?
How do I learn English? – How about listening to “Kiso Eigo 3” every day?.
一週間前の Lesson 言えるかな?
The only language used at the speech contest Is English.