ラジオ英会話 Lesson 199 「名詞を説明」の復習


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 199 「名詞を説明」の復習

Key Sentence

The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.

Today’s dialog

Frankie: Hello. Do you remember me?

Barbara: Wait a minute. I know you.

Frankie: Thank you for remembering.

Barbara: You’re the crazy guy who picked flowers from one of my properties.

Frankie: Yes, I am sorry. That was a mistake.

Barbara: What are you doing here?

Frankie: I’m here with my family. Look at this photo.

Barbara: The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.

Frankie: Yes, how do you know that?

Barbara: I’m the one who found his apartment for him.

Grammar and Vocabulary

You’re the crazy guy who picked flowers from one of my properties.
The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.


The woman wearing glasses is Alyssa.

The area to aim for is the center.

I heard the news that you passed the test.

I liked the answer that you gave.


Grammar in Action



pick: (花などを)摘み取る、選ぶ
property: 不動産、物件

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