今週学習した基礎英語3の「Today’s CAN-DO」の英文や関連問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
9月24月曜 Lesson 077 感想や考えを尋ねたり、答えたりできる
What do you think, Grandma?
He will eat anything if he knows his daughter did the cooking.
What do you think of this restaurant?
9月25日火曜 Lesson 078 人やものの外見や特徴について言える
Karaage, or Japanese fried chicken.
Watch out for the boiling water!
Their cha-han, or fried rice, is very special.
9月26日水曜 Lesson 079 自分や相手、家族や友達などについて話すことができる
I feel like I know you already.
I feel like I’ve been here before.
I feel like I want to try it at the restaurant.
9月27日木曜 Lesson 080 自分の言うことを順序立てて話すことができる
Stand in front of the moon, everyone.
Miki’s grandmother should be in the middle.
Kanon can stand next to me, and Miki can stand next to Sho.
You should be in the middle.
一週間前の Lesson 覚えてるかな?
It’s important for you to talk about this with them.