今週学習した基礎英語3の「Today’s CAN-DO」の英文や関連問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
12月24日 Monday Lesson 125 If you come, it will help Sho study for his exams
You told me you regretted not attending Mari’s high school graduation.
I regret saying such a thing to her.
I regret not telling him how I felt.
12月25日 Wednesday Lesson 126 Nobody knows it’s you behind the reindeer mask
I want you to give this present to the person in the vampire costume.
I want you to have this ticket.
I would like you to come to the party this weekend.

12月26日 Tuesday Lesson 127 Thank you so much for doing this
Why are you just standing around talking to reindeer?
Kate was sitting on the bench looking at her smartphone.
They were standing at the counter watching a soccer game.
12月27日 Thursday Lesson 128 Good luck, everyone!
It was such a great party. There, we had fun and could relax. Now, we can focus on our exams.
Everyone is here. Now, let’s start the meeting.
We’ll soon arrive at a rest area. There, we’re having lunch.

Sho, look outside the window. Snow is falling really slowly. Satoyama will become a winter wonderland tomorrow.