基礎英語3 Lesson 147 Chunk training will help

基礎英語3 2018

Lesson 147 Chunk training will help


Chunk training will help

Miki: Sho, are you worried about your exams?

Sho: I’m not good at multiple choice questions for the English exam. I never know which answer is correct.

Miki: Chunk training will help. That’s what I did.

Sho: Me too, but… if there are some difficult words, I think I’ll just skip the question.

Miki: What are you talking about? How do you think you became good at wadaiko?

Sho: I practiced till I got it.

Miki: That’s the spirit! Even if you fail 100 times, keep trying!

Sho: Miki….

Miki: Be confident. Remember, you succeeded in wadaiko! Try harder so that you can succeed in your exams, too!

Sho: You’re right! In the end, it’s all up to me. Thanks for your advice!



Words & Phrases

multiple choice  多肢選択の
chunk  一定の意味を作る語句のまとまり、チャンク
skip …  (不要なモノを)飛ばす、抜かす
get it  (話し言葉で)理解する、わかる
fail  失敗する
up to …  ~次第だ

Let’s Check


Today’s CAN-DO

so that … can ~は「…が~できるように」と目的を付け加える言い方です。主節の後ろにつけて、「…が~できるように (so that … can ~)+○○する(主節)」と後ろから先に訳す場合と、この例のように「○○する(主節)、そうすれば…が~できる (so that … can ~)」と結果を表すように訳す場合があります。

CAN-DO 活用例文

Get It Right

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

