スマホアプリで「語学プレーヤー」というのがあってすごく便利なのでお勧めします。語学練習には最適のアプリで、聞きたい箇所のみを何度も再生する、速度を速くしたり遅くしたり自由に出来るという機能があります。Listening Challenge! などで「え?なんて言った?」という場合でも速度を遅くしたりして聞き取れます。そもそもこれを作ったのがNHK出版で、教材のデータを購入して聞かすために作られたアプリですが、そういうものを購入しなくてもラジオ放送を録音して自在に使えます。もちろん無料です。検索すればすぐに出てきますのでお勧めです。
I’m Sylphie. Thank you for rescuing me.
Are you a robot?
No. I’m the spirit of words. I dwell in the world of languages.
My name is RoboCorpus. I’m a translation robot.
I’m Lex, an electronic dictionary.
I’m Jukichi, the only one who is not related to languages….
I know you. You are related to languages.
Oh? What do you mean?
You’ll see.
Why were you locked up in the book?
I was fighting against a dark force called “the Negatives.” They control people’s minds with negative words.
And they trapped you in that book so that you wouldn’t stop them, right?
A long time ago, Ms. Saito’s father collected dictionaries and happened to buy the red book in which I was trapped.
But he never found you.
To find me, you need “the power of words.” Ms. Saito’s father wrote dictionaries, but his power of words wasn’t strong enough. However, I think you three must have incredible power.
I just want to know how to be a human.
I see…. You still don’t know what fate awaits you.
Can you see the future?
No, but I can feel it.
Anyway… I have to help Boon with his contest, and I need to run on sports day!

OK! I think you’re ready!
Thank you! I’m so glad I could practice with you.
You’ve memorized so many words.
Yes. You’re well beyond the level of a junior high school student.
I enjoyed learning new vocabulary.
I wanted to go with you, but I have to run during the town’s sports day tomorrow.
Yes, that’s right. Good luck!
I want to tell you something about your real name, Boon.
Oh, Fumihiko?
Yes. Have you ever heard of Otsuki Fumihiko? He wrote the first modern Japanese dictionary called “Genkai” in the Meiji Era. Remember. You have his spirit within you.
Hello, everyone! The English Vocabulary Contest is about to begin. Let’s start the preliminary round.
OK, Boon. You worked hard, and you will prove it was worth it. Ready?
Yes, ma’am.
Now it’s time for the 1,500-meter run. This year, we have a special guest, an AI robot, RoboCorpus!
Look at that robot! His legs are so short!
Do you think he can make it?
He made a promise to Boon. Let’s hope so.
I’ll be with you, RoboCorpus. Let’s do this!
On your marks. Get set. Go!
Michael Jackson – Beat it (with lyrics)