ラジオ英会話 Lesson 110 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 110 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 106 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす① 非難-さんざん注意したのに


Ayako: Jeremy! I thought I smelled something!

Jeremy: Ayako! I thought you were asleep!

Ayako: I told you not to eat snacks after dinner.

Jeremy: But I’m so hungry.

Ayako: You’re on a diet. The doctor said your cholesterol levels are too high.

Jeremy: I know, but I’m still hungry after eating only diet food for dinner.

Ayako: OK. I have an idea. Let’s start cooking different kinds of dishes with soy meat.

Jeremy: I won’t get hungry?

Ayako: No, they will fill you up.


Lesson 107 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす② 非難-そのほかの非難


Frankie: Jeannie, these flowers are for you.

Jeannie: Wow, thank you, Frankie! They’re beautiful. Where did you find them?

Frankie: At a neighbor’s house.

Jeannie: You mean someone gave them to you?

Frankie: No, I picked them from the garden. The lady there got angry at me.

Jeannie: Of course she did! How could you do such a thing?

Frankie: I did not know. There was a sign that said “For Sale.” It was about the house, not the flowers.

Jeannie: Oh no. You still have much to learn.


Lesson 108 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす③ 態度をとがめる


Grandpa: Darling, when are we going back to England?

Grandma: Are you in a hurry to leave?

Grandpa: No, I’m just curious about the date. We’ve been in Japan for over a month now.

Grandma: Yes, life is very different here.

Grandpa: That’s for sure. The way Roxy dresses in Japan is a bit strange.

Grandma: Don’t be so rude. Some young people in Japan dress that way. I like the way she dresses.

Grandpa: But she looks like Alice in Wonderland…

Grandma: That’s enough out of you.


Lesson 109 発言タイプ:行動の変更をうながす④ 口の利き方をとがめる


Alexis: So, we have all the ingredients we need to make tacos, right?

Caspar: Right. We have the meat, lettuce, and I bought this new salsa.

Alexis: Oh, can I taste it?

Caspar: Sure. Hold on. Oh, I can’t get this freaking jar open!

Alexis: Hey, watch your mouth!

Caspar: Why do they have to put it on so tight?

Alexis: Here, let me try.

Caspar: Hey, how did you open it so easily?

Alexis: It takes a little effort.

Caspar: You’re really strong, Alexis.

Alexis: You didn’t know that?


Say It In English!







apologize  謝る
nice  よい、優しい
Be nice ~  よくしなさい・優しくしなさい
use magic  魔法を使う
in public  人前で(人が見ることができる場所で)
get in trouble  トラブルを起こす・トラブルになる

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