ラジオ英会話 Lesson 197 追加情報を述べる①


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 197 追加情報を述べる①

Key Sentence

Barbara, who is a real estate agent, recommended this place.

Today’s dialog

Jeannie: Dr. Stein, this is a very nice apartment. How did you find it?

Dr.Stein: Barbara, who is a real estate agent, recommended this place. It’s not huge, but it is big enough for the three of us.

Jeannie: I am happy to be in Japan. Frankie and I have visited Kyoto before.

Dr.Stein: I remember that. We’ll be here long-term now.

Jeannie: Dr. Stein, you are going to be working as a technical advisor, correct?
Dr. Stein: That is correct, Jeannie.

Jeannie: I am worried. Frankie and I, who cannot speak Japanese, may have trouble with communication.

Dr. Stein: Actually, I’ve just added that to your programming.

Jeannie: あら、そうなんですか。

Grammar and Vocabulary

Frankie and I have visited Kyoto before.
I am worried.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

Barbara, who is a real estate agent, recommended this place.


My sister, who lives in Mie, visits Ise Jingu often.

Sakata, where I was born, is on the coast.

Last summer, when I moved here, was very hot.


Grammar in Action



recommend: すすめる、推薦する
correct: そのとおり

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