ラジオ英会話 Lesson 207 副詞による修飾 ② さまざまな指定を行う副詞


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 207 副詞による修飾 ② さまざまな指定を行う副詞

Key Sentence

She became angry with me just because I was picking flowers for you.

Today’s dialog

Jeannie: Frankie, this is such a nice apartment. Do you know how Dr. Stein found it so quickly?

Frankie: Yes. He was assisted by Barbara, the real estate agent.

Jeannie: You know about Barbara?

Frankie: Yes. Actually, I have talked to her before.

Jeannie: Where? And why did you talk to her?

Frankie: She became angry with me just because I was picking flowers for you.

Jeannie: Oh, that woman was Barbara? You kind of enjoyed talking to her, didn’t you?

Frankie: No, that is illogical. She was scolding me.

Jeannie: Hmmm.

Grammar and Vocabulary

He was assisted by Barbara.
You kind of enjoyed talking to her, didn’t you?

Target Forms

Key Sentence

She became angry with me just because I was picking flowers for you.


Do you love me only [merely] because I’m good-looking?

You kind of enjoyed talking to her.

I almost missed the bus.

right [just] there

right [just] here

right [just] behind the building

right [just] after the show

right [just] on time


Grammar in Action



kind of: (表現を和らげて)ちょっと、少し
scold: 叱る、たしなめる

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