Lesson 128 Good luck, everyone!
Let’s listen to today’s story.
Miki: Yota, Sho, thank you both so much. Everyone had a great time.
Sho: Everyone really loved the costumes, Yota.
Yota: I liked your idea about making your own sushi rolls at the party, Sho. Everyone really enjoyed it.
Kanon: Hi, Sho! What did you think of my fairy costume?
Sho: I…I think it was fairy cute.
Kanon: Oh, you’re so funny! You see, Yota. I told you he’d like it.
Sho: I think tonight was one of the best nights of my life.
Yota: It was such a great party. There, we had fun and could relax. Now, we can focus on our exams.
Kanon: Good luck, everyone!
Sho, Miki, Yota: Let’s do it!
Good luck, everyone!
Yota, Sho, thank you both so much. Everyone had a great time.
Everyone really loved the costumes, Yota.
I liked your idea about making your own sushi rolls at the party, Sho. Everyone really enjoyed it.
Hi, Sho! What did you think of my fairy costume?
I…I think it was fairy cute.
Oh, you’re so funny! You see, Yota. I told you he’d like it.
I think tonight was one of the best nights of my life.
It was such a great party. There, we had fun and could relax. Now, we can focus on our exams.
Good luck, everyone!
Let’s do it!
Words & Phrases
sushi roll 巻き寿司く
fairy 妖精
fairy cute かなり可愛い(fairy を似た音の fairly(かなり)にかけたダジャレ)
focus on … ~に集中する
Let’s Check
One of the best nights of his lige.
Today’s CAN-DO
It was such a great party. There, we had fun and could relax. Now, we can focus on our exams.
So, … : だから(理由)
Now, … : さて、それでは・・・(話の切り出し)
Then, … : それから、次に・・・(順序)
There, … : そこで・・・(場所)
Also, … : また、さらには・・・(情報の追加)
I mean, … : つまり・・・(前の内容の言い換え)
Anyway, … : とにかく・・・(本題に話を戻す)
By the way, … : ところで・・・(話題を変える)
CAN-DO 活用例文
Everyone is here. Now, let’s start the meeting.
We’ll soon arrive at a rest area. There, we’re having lunch.
Get It Right
I think you have talked enough. Now, let’s go home.