今週学習した基礎英語3の「Today’s CAN-DO」の英文や関連問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
7月16日月曜 Lesson 057 計画・夢・希望について尋ねたり、答えたりできる
I hope that he stays longer as a result.
I hope I can see you again soon.
We hope you will visit us again.
7月17日火曜 Lesson 058 好き・嫌いについて言える
I like every country I’ve been to.
I like every love song I have listened to.
I like everyone I have met here.
7月18日水曜 Lesson 059 自分の住んでいる場所・地域・国について話すことができる
This is Sakurayama Park, which is located in the center of the town.
Do you remember Ms. Davis, who taught us at junior high school?
Don’t forget the Yamadas, who are your family in Japan.
7月19日木曜 Lesson 060 心配する気持ち・思いやりの気持ちを表現できる
I know how you feel.
I know how much you care about your girlfriend.
I know how much you care about me, but….
Of course bad things have happened. But you must take the good with the bad.