今週学習した基礎英語3の「Today’s CAN-DO」の英文や関連問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
8月6日月曜 夏期復習月間 Lesson 029 人やものの外見や特徴について言える
She seems energetic and spirited!
These eco-friendly bags seem cheap and useful.
This restaurant seems very nice.
8月7日火曜 夏期復習月間 Lesson 030 自分の住んでいる場所・地域・国について話すことができる
Have you ever been to America?
I’ve been to Hawaii twice with my family.
I have never been to Okinawa before.
8月8日水曜 夏期復習月間 Lesson 031 ファストフード店やレストランで注文ができる
Are you ready to order?–Sorry. Wait a moment.
I’ll have a hamburger and an orange juice, please.
Can we have a whole pizza and two large colas, please.
8月9日木曜 夏期復習月間 Lesson 032 自分や相手、家族や友達などについて話すことができる
Did you hear that David is thinking of moving out of here, and into the Oasam Hotel?
She said he could stay at the hotel for free.
Did you know that this would be so difficult to eat?
一週間前の Lesson 覚えてるかな?
We’re going to have a math exam next week.