基礎英語3 Lesson 108 Both of you!

基礎英語3 2018


Let’s listen to today’s story.

Broadcaster: It’s very tight race, folks! It looks like we won’t know the winner until the end!

Yota: Look! Three people are running side by side!

Miki: Come on, Grandma! You can do it!

Sho: Come on, Grandma! You’re almost there!

Yota: Come on, er…both of you! Oh, no. They got tangled. Ah, they all fell!

Miki: Oh, no! Grandma! She looks hurt.

Yota: Sho’s grandmother is helping her. It’s incredible that she’s doing that instead of running for the goal.

Miki: Mr. Aoki has the lead.

Sho: Come on, Grandma! Hurry!

Both of you!


Words & Phrases

tight  (競争が)接戦の、互角の
until the end  最後まで
side by side  隣り合って、横一線で
tangle  絡ませる、もつれる
fell  転ぶ(fall)の過去形
instead of …  ~の代わりに、~しないで

Let’s Check


Today’s CAN-DO

get には「~になる」という意味があり、get hungry(おなかがすく)のように「get+形容詞」で何かがある状態に変化することを表せます。

一般的な形容詞のかわりに、形容詞化した過去分詞もよくきます。get tired(疲れる)、get excited(興奮する)などです。tangled(もつれた)もその一種です。

CAN-DO 活用例文

Get It Right

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