基礎英語3 Lesson 171 I drew our family portrait

基礎英語3 2018

Lesson 171 I drew our family portrait


I drew our family portrait

Mari: I drew our family portrait. We’re looking at the cherry blossom of Sakurayama from the second floor of the ryokan.

Yoko: I’ve never actually seen your paintings before, Mari.

Mari: Well, you were against my goal of becoming an artist.

Yoko: Not really. I was just hoping you’d have a different goal.

Sho: What’s that?

Mari: Taking over the ryokan, Sho.

Gallery Staff: Mari, the soup is ready. Also, you have some new visitors.

Mari: OK, everyone, please look at the artwork.

Yoko: Watching this makes me feel calm.

Mari: Grandma, I’d like you meet someone. She bought me my paint set. I’d like her to have Grandpa’s special soup with us.

Yoko: Yumi?

Yumi: Mom, I’m very sorry for everything.




Words & Phrases

portrait 肖像画
painting 絵、絵画
Not really. それほどでもない。そんなことない。いや別に。
paint set 絵の具のセット

Let’s Check


Today’s CAN-DO

反対の意思を示すときは、I’m against …(わたしは~に反対です)に続けて、何に反対なのかをはっきり言いましょう。いっぽう、賛成の場合は I’m for … や I’m in favor of … という言い方をします。Are you for or against …?(~に賛成ですか、反対ですか?)という疑問文でもよく使われます。
against は前置詞なので、直後には名詞や動名詞をおくことに注意しましょう。

CAN-DO 活用例文


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