基礎英語3 Lesson 176 I can’t wait to meet my great-grandson!

基礎英語3 2018

Lesson 176 I can’t wait to meet my great-grandson!


I can’t wait to meet my great-grandson!

Yoko: Sho, what’s wrong?

Sho: Mom and Dad are arguing over who will drive to the town office. I never thought Mom would become the mayor of this town.

Yoko: Your father is working for your mother now. It mast be stressful.

Naoki: Look, you’re the mayor, so I’m driving you, and that’s final. Is that clear?

Yumi: All right.

Sho: Grandma, Mari said she and David would come over for the Sakura festival.

Yoko: I can’t wait to meet my great-grandson!

Kanon: Good morning, Ms. Sato. My name is Abe Kanon. Mr. Aoki sent me. I will be working here from today.

Yoko: Would you be able to take care of Hanasato Ryokan?

Kanon: Yes, ma’am.

Yoko: And Sho?

Kanon: Of course!

Sho: Grandma….




Words & Phrases

What’s wrong? どうしたの?
argue over … ~のことで口論する
stressful 緊張の多い、精神的に疲れる
That’s final. それでおしまい。以上です。
come over 訪ねてくる、会いに来る
great-grandson (男の子の)ひ孫


Let’s Check


Today’s CAN-DO

Would you be able to …? は「~していただくことはできますか?」という遠回しな言い方で、とてもていねいな依頼の表現として使われます。

CAN-DO 活用例文


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