今週学習した基礎英語3の「Step Up Points」の英文や関連フレーズを再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
4月15日 Monday Lesson 009 Welcome to our house!
He looks very cute!
She looks happy.
You look better.
4月16日 Tuesday Lesson 010 I’m tired of it
I’m tired of it.
I’m tired of practicing.
We are tired of running.
4月17日 Wednesday Lesson 011 He is just a robot!
She seemed to have a good time.
She seemed to know something.
That boy seems to know you.
4月18日 Thursday Lesson 012 Until then, goodbye
What’s the matter?
What’s wrong?
What’s the matter?

He is just a robot! He is not like me and Asuka-chan! I don’t want RoboCorpus anymore!